Warriors by Erin Hunter EPUB & PDF

Warriors by Erin Hunter EPUB & PDF

Warriors by Erin Hunter EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: Erin Hunter
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Children’s Asia Books
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Frostpaw’s pelt prickled with tension; the air of the RiverClan camp was
filled with it, as if a storm were about to break. Everywhere she looked, she
could see injured warriors. Some were lying down and licking their
wounds, total defeat in their eyes and the droop of their heads. Others
crouched close together, muttering furiously and casting hostile glances at
Tigerstar and the victorious cats of ShadowClan.

Not long ago, RiverClan had been thriving. But the death of the Clan
leader, Mistystar, followed almost at once by the death of her deputy,
Reedwhisker, had thrown the Clan into confusion.
Guilt and regret swept over Frostpaw. As the only medicine cat with a
connection to StarClan, she had been responsible for finding a new leader.
And I failed, she thought miserably. I failed twice.

Once the other Clans had realized RiverClan’s desperate need,
Tigerstar had attacked. He believed that only his leadership could rescue the
leaderless Clan from chaos, and the weakened RiverClan had been unable
to prevent him from taking over.

Now Tigerstar jumped to the top of the Highstump. Just as if he were
Clan leader! Frostpaw thought resentfully. My mother should have been
standing there. I had a sign from StarClan that she was to be our next
leader. Inwardly she shuddered at the horrific memory of Curlfeather torn
apart by dogs on her way to the Moonpool. She would have been great.
She turned her back on Tigerstar as he began to address her Clan,
instead padding up to Mallownose and beginning to lick the tear in his ear,
where blood had trickled down into his pale tabby fur.

“I can’t believe any of our Clanmates would just do what another Clan
tells them. It should at least be Owlnose giving the orders, right?” he
mewed, fiercely indignant on his son’s behalf.
Frostpaw went on busily licking, her excuse for not replying. After
Curlfeather, I thought Owlnose was destined to lead us. How could I have
been so wrong? Owlnose had admitted to Tigerstar that he hadn’t received
his nine lives, but only Frostpaw, Owlnose himself, Mothwing, and
Fidgetflake knew the real reason why: He didn’t believe that he was the
right cat to lead his Clan.

“We need hunting patrols,” Tigerstar announced. “I want volunteers.
Not all of you are badly hurt.”
Not many cats were listening to him, and those who were didn’t
respond, only gazing up at the ShadowClan leader with sullen expressions.
Mallownose looked around with a satisfied gleam in his eye, pleased that
none of his Clanmates were letting Tigerstar order them around.

“Come on!” Tigerstar growled, with an irritated lash of his tail. “Do
you expect the prey to jump into your mouths?”
As he finished speaking, Splashtail tottered to his paws, his shoulder
fur bristling. “Why should we do what you tell us?” he demanded, glaring at
Tigerstar. “Why isn’t Owlnose in charge? I know StarClan hasn’t given him
his lives yet, but at least he was chosen by a RiverClan cat!”
Many of Frostpaw’s Clanmates were nodding at Splashtail’s words,
letting out murmurs of assent.

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