The Fallen by Sevyn Wynters EPUB & PDF

The Fallen by Sevyn Wynters EPUB & PDF

The Fallen by Sevyn Wynters EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: Sevyn Wynters
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal Erotica
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The steady hum of the engine and the cool breeze coming through
the open moon roof is the only glue holding together my
crumbling emotions at the moment.

Tonight was such a crap night. Well — let’s just say, bittersweet. Yeah, I
like that word better. Tonight, I reclaimed my freedom; after a two-year
legal separation, followed by lengthy and, at times, ugly divorce
proceedings, I’m finally free. Not that my ex-husband was a monster or
anything; shoot, he’s already in a new happy relationship. No, he’s not a
monster at all. We just grew apart. I always go into a relationship with the
best intentions, hoping the flame of love will grow into a roaring fire. But I
always end up feeling disconnected as time goes on. I’m starting to think I
may have a problem with the male species.

Growing up in a single-parent home my mom, (Rest in Peace), provided
me with a revolving door of stepdads. So, I never had a great example of
what passion looked like. But that didn’t change my longing to find a man
that ignites my senses. That makes me feel alive. Unfortunately, though, the
older I got, the more I realized that maybe true love and soul mates only
exist in books and movies.

Perhaps real-life love was just vanilla sex and two people trying their
best to make things work out between them. Then, settle with what you
have and be grateful you had anyone. No passion, no fire, just existing.
Which is a depressing thought.
I crave a love that sets my soul on fire—an all-encompassing type of
love so intense that you’re almost afraid of it.

But hey, maybe I’m delusional. Broken, perhaps? Maybe I was put on
this earth to never find that elusive deep-rooted love connection.
The tears start slipping, unwelcome as ever, down my face for the
hundredth time since I drove away from the home we used to share.
I meant to go to my home right afterward, but somehow, I ended up
driving right past my neighborhood and haven’t stopped. So now I’m on the
interstate at 2 am, cruise control set to ninety, with no destination in mind
aside from mental clarity.

N’Sync plays quietly in the background, effectively soothing my raging
thoughts. Until my gas light comes on.
Fuck. My. Life.
Thankfully, I see the faint lights dotting the distance of what I can only
assume is a gas station.

I glance at my gas gauge a couple of times, wondering if I can take the
chance to make it to the next town eighty miles or if I have to get out of the
car, because this place is eerie as hell. Semi-trucks line the front of the
station, and not a soul seems to be occupying the area. Just to add insult to
injury, a tumbleweed blows across the lot separating the trucks from the gas

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