The Roommate Trouble by Jenna Fiore EPUB & PDF

The Roommate Trouble by Jenna Fiore EPUB & PDF

The Roommate Trouble by Jenna Fiore EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Jenna Fiore
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“I am so, so sorry about this,” my roommate said… or my soon-to-be
former roommate said.
She’d just asked me to move out, and she obviously felt terrible about it.
Technically, the place was hers—all the furniture, appliances, even the bed
I’d been sleeping on in the spare room. So I did understand.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll be fine. Really. I will.”
At that exact moment, the reason why I was being asked to move by the
end of the week stepped out of the bathroom, steam billowing out to reveal
a tall man wearing… absolutely nothing.
Oh, geez.

It was like Michael wanted me to look at his big hairy balls. They almost
eclipsed the room as a strange silence filled the steamy air.
Do not stare at the naked man. Do not stare at the naked man.
“You know what?” I said, turning my head away from him. “I’m going to
go pack up my stuff. I’ll be out of here in an hour.”
Big hairy balls walking around your place would do that to a girl. Not
that I was opposed to big hairy balls. Nope. I was pretty okay with them if
they were attached to a decent person. And Michael, I was convinced, was a
total and complete jerk. I mean, what guy walked around naked in front of
his girlfriend’s roommate? It was insane!

Thank goodness I didn’t have very many belongings to begin with,
having only lived in San Diego for a few weeks. I jammed it all into the two
suitcases I’d arrived with, mostly filled with clothes and shoes, plus a few
small knickknacks I’d grabbed when everything had fallen apart back home.
When your whole world went to shit, you found out what really mattered
in your life.

Of all the days to have this happen though… the morning of my interview
at Lutrai. This could derail my plans completely, but I wouldn’t let it. I had
to keep my eye on the prize.
I’d already showered. And I’d taken extra care with blow drying my hair,
especially working on that one weird area in the back that insisted on being
wavy despite the rest of my hair being straight.
Listening at my closed door, I decided the coast was clear, so I made a
dash for the bathroom, quickly grabbing my few toiletries. My goodness,
how times had changed.

The Roommate Trouble by Jenna Fiore EPUB & PDFNot too long ago, I’d had every cream, lotion, and magical potion
imaginable, and of course, it’d all been top of the line. And now? I counted
myself lucky to have conditioner at all.
Taking a moment to look around while Michael and Nicole were in the
other bedroom, I realized that was it. I was ready to go.

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