The Plus One by Mazey Eddings EPUB & PDF

The Plus One by Mazey Eddings EPUB & PDF

The Plus One by Mazey Eddings EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Authors: Mazey Eddings
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Romantic Comedy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Indira knew, rationally, it wasn’t doing her much good to keep canceling her
therapy appointments.
But, irrationally, it was a hell of a lot easier to ride the wave of a decent
week than to sit down on Dr. Koh’s beige couch and sift through her
feelings until she realized she’d been deluding herself and her week was, in
fact, total shit.

Indira also knew, as a psychiatrist herself, that this was called
avoidance. And it was bad.
Fatal flaws, et cetera, et cetera.
Pushing away the tiny pang of guilt she felt for canceling, she stopped
at the market a few blocks from the apartment she shared with her
boyfriend, Chris, to buy ingredients for her mom’s old chicken parm family
recipe and a way-too-expensive bottle of wine, hoping to surprise him.

While Chris worked from home, he wasn’t much into cooking, and most
nights Indira was too tired from her long shifts at the children’s outpatient
center to want to whip anything up. They were in a rut of delivered food
eaten in silence as they scrolled through their phones, together in the most
disconnected way possible.

They’d moved in after only five months of dating, riding a high of
decent sex and early relationship happy hormones. But after almost a year
of on-again, off-again whiplash, the relationship was starting to feel more
like roommates than romance, and they both knew something had to
At least, she thought they both knew that. It wasn’t like they talked
about their relationship. They didn’t talk about much, if she were being
honest …

But it would all be okay. If the emotional roller coaster of Indira’s
childhood had taught her anything, it was that there wasn’t a problem out
there that couldn’t be (at least temporarily) fixed by her mom’s red sauce.
Indira checked out, even grabbing an impulse-buy of dessert to try and
lift her glum mood.

Practicing her brightest—albeit forced—smile, she made her way
through the cool October evening to their apartment, giving herself a pep
talk. Chris was, at his core, a good guy. And Indira could get over her
mental blockade of past relationship failures mixed with melodramatic
ennui and get this one to work. Besides, she’d been down the whole singleand-searching-on-dating-apps road. The grass was definitely not fucking
greener; relationships take hard work; insert platitude here; blah blah blah.
Indira hiked up the stairs of her building and let herself into the unit,
sweeping into the kitchen with a flourish.

The unexpected sound of lusty moans killed the greeting in her throat.
For a moment, Indira wondered if she’d walked in on Chris watching a
particularly vocal porno.
And then she saw.
Oh, the horror of the things she saw.
There was writhing.
And grinding.

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