The Facade by Judy Corry EPUB & PDF

The Facade by Judy Corry EPUB & PDF

The Facade by Judy Corry EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: Judy Corry
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“HAVE you guys decided what you’re dressing up as for the Halloween
dance?” my friend Scarlett, a senior with auburn hair and high cheekbones,
asked Elyse and me when we joined her and her best friend Hunter at the
table in the great hall for lunch.

“I’m not sure,” Elyse said with a shrug. “Usually, Ava and I plan our
costumes together, but since she and Carter are coordinating this year, I’m
not sure what I’m doing.”
Ava and Elyse were identical twins who had just come to Eden Falls
Academy at the beginning of the school year. They had caused quite the stir
when they first arrived, catching most of the guys’ attention at our private
school since they were new and gorgeous. But things had settled down a bit
now that we were almost two months into the school year and Ava had
paired off with my older brother Carter.

“Any ideas what you’d like to dress up as? A character from a movie, or
something else?” I asked Elyse, hoping to be helpful.
“I was thinking about going as Elizabeth Swan from Pirates of the
Caribbean or maybe even Cher from Clueless.”
“You would make the perfect Elizabeth Swan.” Scarlett’s eyes widened
with excitement. “You have the perfect bone structure to pull off the Keira
Knightley look.”
“You think so?” Elyse asked, her cheeks coloring slightly as Scarlett
and I looked at her.

“You would look so good,” I agreed with Scarlett. “Were you thinking
of wearing one of the fancy gowns? Or the pirate clothes?”
“One of the gowns,” Elyse said. “My mom has a dress she designed that
would be perfect for it.” Elyse and Ava’s mom was a famous fashion
designer, and so of course she would have the hookups for something like

“Dang, you’re going to look so good. All the guys will be asking you to
dance all night,” Scarlett said, her tone envious. “Don’t you think so,
Hunter?” She glanced at Hunter who was, as usual, reading something on
his phone.

When he didn’t respond, Scarlett nudged him with her elbow.
“Uh, what did you say?” Hunter asked, finally looking up from his

Scarlett eyed Hunter somewhat impatiently and said, “I was saying that
Elyse dressing up like Elizabeth Swan is like every guy’s fantasy.”
“Oh…” Hunter narrowed his green eyes and seemed to take in Elyse’s
long, brown hair and olive-complected skin for a moment, as if picturing
her in eighteenth-century clothes. With a shrug, he said, “I guess I can see
And then, he immediately went back to reading whatever he had up on
his phone screen.

Scarlett cast our aloof friend a wary glance, like she wasn’t sure what to
think about how distracted he’d been all year. But then she shrugged and
turned her brown-eyed gaze to me. “

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