The Curator by Owen King EPUB & PDF

The Curator by Owen King EPUB & PDF

The Curator by Owen King EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Authors: Owen King
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Literary Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The city—nicknamed “the Fairest” by poets and municipal advocates for its
river, the mighty Fair—jutted from the body of the country like a hangnail from
its thumb.

Folklore told that it was founded by a stonecutter who built a castle there and
kept it empty in tribute to God, and was granted eternal youth as a reward; until,
after a few hundred years, a family of beggars sneaked inside and their sudden
appearance shocked the stonecutter such that he fell dead. More likely, the initial
settlement was established by seafarers of Nordic origin.

In modern times, the city was distinguished by the line of handsome, heavybrowed monarchs who kept seat there; by its congress and its courts; by the
eciency, fortitude, reach, protability, and diversity of its mercenary army,
which was said to include speakers of more than twenty languages; by its river,
the Fair, which descended from the country’s mountain region to split the
metropolis in half, into east and west, and to drown its fresh waters in the ocean;
by the peninsula’s high blus, which diminished seaward in parallel to the Fair;
by the bustle and trade of its port; by its two cantilevered bridges; by the modern
convenience of its network of electric trams; by its vast urban parkland, the
Royal Fields, and the Royal Pond therein, where boaters rowed in vessels whose
prows were carved into the likenesses of the nation’s heavy-browed monarchs,
from Macon I to Zak XXI; by the competition among its luxury hotels as to
which establishment had the most luxurious cat as its mascot; by its cultural
landmarks, such as the theaters and the museums and the Morgue Ship; by the
three towering monolithic stones that dominated the plateau above the Great
Highway a few miles beyond the city limits and to which, by tradition,
newlyweds from all over the world traveled with hammers and picks in order to
chip tokens to signal their shared commitment; by the irony of its stinking gray
waterway’s name; by its factory res; by its neighborhood res; by its teeming
lower district, the Lees; by the fecund poor who populated the Lees and gave
their new generations to nourish its plagues and armies; by its vestiges of
paganism; by its secret societies; by the tartness of the brine used to pickle its
oysters; by the bands of industrious delinquents that crowded its streets; by the
courage and strength of its men; by the wisdom and perseverance of its women;
and, like all cities, but maybe especially so, by its essential unmappability

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