Straight on till Morning by T.S. Kinley EPUB & PDF

Straight on till Morning by T.S. Kinley EPUB & PDF

Straight on till Morning by T.S. Kinley EPUB – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: T.S. Kinley
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fairy Tales
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I had locked the window for good. It had been barred and shuttered.
I’d drawn the curtains, closing out the light. But the sun still filtered
in through the seams, illuminating the dust motes dancing in the air. It
reminded me of faerie dust. Everything reminded me of Neverland, of the
life I’d been shown, but could never possess.

The words from Robert Frost’s classic poem came to mind. “Two roads
diverged in a wood.” I realized now that it was a lie. It gave the impression
that our choices could be as simple as a left or a right. When in reality, the
direction of my life was something I had absolutely no control over. I would
love to say I’d chosen the one less traveled by, and that I was all the better
for it. But I knew I had completely missed the roads altogether. I found
myself on an ill-fated course, barreling down an uncharted path, moments
away from complete catastrophe. At least it was a perfect metaphor for how
I felt at that moment.

It had been one month, well actually twenty-nine days and fourteen
hours —but who the fuck was counting— since I’d left Neverland. Each
day had been agony.

I had officially come to terms with the fact that the aching in my chest
might never go away. I found myself rubbing absently along my breastbone,
trying to massage away the constant pain radiating from my heart. They say
a broken heart is only a figment of one’s imagination, but the pain was
physical, it was real, and I lived with it every day.

Some days were worse than others. Some days I couldn’t even get out
of bed. The only thing that lured me from my depression was caring for my
ailing sister, Michaela, or the promise of sweet whisky. The warming,
smooth caress of the whisky, was the only thing that could dull my senses.
At this point, I would do anything to mute my sense of obligation— my
sense of longing. If I had thought my return from Neverland would fix
anything, I had been dead fucking wrong.

Michaela and I had been at each other’s throats. Her insistence on my
return to Neverland was getting on my nerves. Between that and the warm
welcome she was rolling out for her impending death, I was on edge. She’d
stopped her cancer treatments altogether. Her death seemed all but
inevitable now. My mind would not allow me to accept the fact that she was

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