Flamerunner by Joanna Starr EPUB & PDF

Flamerunner by Joanna Starr EPUB & PDF

Flamerunner by Joanna Starr EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Author: Joanna Starr
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Time Travel Science Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

“I’ ,” K. “C , ’
The sun came out from behind a cloud and caught the unicorn’s hair,
making him shimmer. His spiralling horn glowed golden, and he tossed his
head gracefully. His captivating beauty stirred wonder in Thaya’s heart.
Through some weird twist of fate, the Saphira-elaysa, as they were called
by dryads and elves, was her soul twin, and like all magical creatures, he
had a deep sense of self-worth and pride and knew he was a sight to behold.
He didn’t trot or canter as he turned and headed up the hill—Unicorns had a
gait quite unlike any horse—but moved as if floating towards the thick
copse of oak trees.

Thaya let go of her spell-bound breath and followed him. She was a
Gatewalker, a rare human who held the ancient codes in her blood enabling
her to walk through portals and end up somewhere else on the planet, or
even other planets. There was something strange about the earthly power
here, and she wanted to find out what it was.

The subtle energies increased as she pushed her way through the ferns
until they were positively humming in her ears and making the hairs on her
arms stand on end. She looked at what, to the untrained eye, was a pile of
rubble overgrown with brambles, but to her was the collapsed ancient
remains of a portal, a passageway to another place on Urtha, maybe even to
another world or dimension entirely.

She grabbed the brambles between the thorns and pulled back the
It came away easily, too easily, as if someone had done it recently,
revealing great slabs of smooth, ancient stone.
“Wow.” Her eyes widened.
The megaliths were pale yellow yet the natural rock around here was
pale grey.
“They’re from Lonohassa, the Survivors brought them here, I can feel
it.” She glanced up at her soul twin.

Khy’s pure white mane and tail gleamed against the green of the oaks
and ferns. He tossed his head, his silvery mauve body—itself a peculiarity
as the others of his kind had white hair covering them—quivering as he
stared down at the megaliths.

She looked back at the fallen megaliths. Could it be the remains of an
ancient building like the one back home? There weren’t very many stones
unless others were buried. She counted five, with the bottom one having
cracked in half long ago, and the uppermost one lying akilter over the
others with its lower section buried in the earth. Had it been standing
upright it would have been twice her height.

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