A Kingdom Of Courage And Cruelty EPUB & PDF

A Kingdom Of Courage And Cruelty EPUB & PDF

A Kingdom Of Courage And Cruelty EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: A.P Beswick
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fairy Tales
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Freshly cooked bread has never smelt so good. The fragrance sends my
ravenous stomach into overdrive, the growl of which is so loud, I fear
it may draw attention to me. With full access to the castle, I don’t have
to sneak around, but at least this way I can hone my powers whilst also
having a bit of fun.

Tilting my head up, I allow the luxurious smell to engulf my nose once
more before scurrying across the cold stone floor. My nails catch against the
surface as I cover ground quickly. The pads on my feet tingle with an icy
sting as if I walk in snow, but the sensation helps keep me grounded,
focused. Above me, steam rises from the table; I’ve found the bread. My
stomach gives another grumble, this time causing my muscles to gripe.

When the cook leaves to gather some ingredients, I seize my opportunity. I
rush at the legs of the table and use my nails to cling to the wood as I
ascend to the tabletop. My eyes widen at the sight of the crisp, warm bread
in front of me. The warmth it emits brings me comfort as if I sit in front of a
fire. I waste no time tearing into it, not even caring when the heat stings my
mouth. I wildly devour the side of the loaf, oblivious to my surroundings.
“Fucking rats!”
The voice of the agitated chef startles my attention, and as I look up at
the giant’s frame, it is already too late. In his right hand he grasps a rolling
pin which he brings down on me with incredible force.

In an instant, my connection to the rodent is severed and I find myself
sitting in front of my intricately carved vanity table. In the reflection, my
emerald-green, bloodshot eyes stare back at me, and sweat beads on my
forehead from the strain of using my magic. Possession is a method I have
been honing for a while now. Like other spells, the more I practice, the
stronger I become, and the longer I can maintain the connection.

I allow myself a few moments to reacclimatise to my own body, quickly
taking a sip of water to quell the familiar urge to vomit. I take out my
journal from the drawer to my right and add my new findings to my notes.
“Connection severed when possessed body’s life is ended,” I speak as I
write the words, coughing to clear my throat in the process. I had become
reckless, engrossed in the moment as I let my acquired rat senses distract
me. I am grateful that the chef’s actions merely severed our connection; up
until now, I had never experienced something like that.

After I finish my notes and lock my journal away, I return my gaze to
the mirror and search over the woman that sits before me. The glint of my
necklace catches the candlelight. I bring my hand to hold the charm that sits
at the nape of my neck, closing my eyes.

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