What the Shadows Hide by M J Lee EPUB & PDF

What the Shadows Hide by M J Lee EPUB & PDF

What the Shadows Hide by M J Lee EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Authors: M J Lee
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Police Procedurals
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Pages:
  • Price: Free

Sunday, August 24, 2008
He knew he was near death.
He’d seen his grandmother standing in the corner of the room hiding in
the shadows, beckoning him to join her, waving as she always did with her
right hand, saying, ‘Come along, hurry up, why are you always so late?’
And then she had gone.
He shook his head, trying to clear it. Was he seeing things or was this all

The heat was unbearable. A dry, coarse heat that made his throat rasp
like sandpaper as he tried to swallow whatever saliva remained in his
parched mouth.
He tried to raise his head from the mattress laid over the wooden floor,
but gave up when the effort became too much. Next to him, his sister lay,
her hands clasped in front of her as if in prayer.
What had they done to deserve this?

He inched his head towards her lips, listening for the sounds of life, but
there were none. She hadn’t moved for a long time.
Was she still alive?
He doubted it. He heard no breathing. No whimpers. No cries of pain.

He wasn’t sure how long they had been in this room. A small window
high up in the apex where the wall met the roof was the only source of light
during the day. The candle had been used very quickly, too quickly.
At first, they had been certain someone would come for them, shouting at
the tops of their voices for hours on end, finishing the bottle of water far too

But there had been no response, no cavalry arriving, no knight in shining
armour to rescue them. The person who had locked them away was no
longer there, no longer cared.
The days had passed, or were they mere hours?
Sleeping and waking.
Sleeping and waking.
Sleeping and waking.
Losing all track of time and themselves. Hunger and thirst gnawing at
their bodies, drowning their souls.
She had been full of energy at the beginning, urging him to force open the
door with his bare hands.

He had tried tugging at the handle, beating on it with his fists, clawing at
the solid wood, losing his fingernails, the door still intact at the end of
hours of struggle.
She had lapsed into silence then. A zombie-like state, staring into the
distance, her eyes unfocused, cradling the empty bottle of water like one
would a baby.

Through their chapped lips, they had talked about their memories of
childhood lived in two different places.
For him it was a day tobogganing with the neighbours when he was
eleven on some slopes out near Alderley Edge. The neighbour was German
and she knew exactly what to do, teaching her son and him all the ways of
making the sledge go faster.
He never saw the boy again, his family moved away soon after to live in
Hale and never came back.

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