Wanderer of the Worlds by Ash Fitzsimmons EPUB & PDF

Wanderer of the Worlds by Ash Fitzsimmons EPUB & PDF

Wanderer of the Worlds by Ash Fitzsimmons EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Author: Ash Fitzsimmons
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary Fantasy Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

t’s said, in times of crisis, that one should be gentle to oneself, forgiving
of one’s own mistakes, understanding of one’s limitations. That’s all well
and good until one ends up dunked in a cold, foul-smelling river because
one is exhausted and can’t steer for shit.

In fairness, I was doing the best I could to survive. Having barely
spent two weeks exploring the four worlds tethered to mine, I’d discovered
my nascent abilities with water, picked up a small posse, pulled together a
freaking thunderstorm in the middle of a drought, and orchestrated an
escape from the filicidal mother I’d only just met. Hell, I’d even made our
getaway boat out of water. For a rogue elemental flying blind, I’d
performed satisfactorily in light of my on-the-job training. But as my
control of my power was still in desperate need of finessing, I was lucky to
steer us down the river as long as I did before capsizing my strange little
craft. That I’d failed to stick the landing, instead accidentally releasing my
hold of the boat when we went over a ten-foot drop, was perhaps
forgivable, though a cold dip was low on everyone’s wish list that morning.

First to haul himself to the bank was Fanakel, whose slowly
browning sunburn hadn’t been helped at all by the previous day’s river
cruise. The elf dropped his borrowed duffel onto the rocks and wrung out
his tunic, but any attempt he might have made to get dry would have been
futile—roomy as the duffel was, it was anything but waterproof, and his
extra clothes were undoubtedly drenched. His shoulder-length hair looked
closer to brown than to its usual reddish hue, and his patchy four-day beard
added unwanted color to his peeling face. Sure, he was still a beautiful
specimen—I had yet to meet an ugly elf—but if one overlooked the ears
sticking up through his wet hair, he might have passed for a particularly
good-looking, if sun-fried, human.

Something told me that for the prince, that sentiment would
constitute fighting words.
Close on his heels was Mia, who swam remarkably well for a woman
burdened with a loaded camping backpack and a newly augmented body.
That Mia wasn’t a garden-variety human had come as a shock to all of us—
her dormant tekorish genes seemed to have awakened after enough days in
an Aen-bathed world—but she’d soldiered on, replaced her wardrobe, and
made the best of it. True, it was awkward for her, but she could have
suffered a worse transformation than going from “stick-thin and reasonably
pretty” to “knockout with a pinup figure,” and her newfound ability to
incite men into doing whatever she wanted had certainly come in handy.

Mia swam with one arm wrapped around Anji, holding the dwarf’s
head above water where the river was too deep. I suspected that the exercise
was humiliating for the princess—Anji was tough, scrappy, and someone I
never wanted to cross in a dark alley—but she stood barely four feet tall,
and Mia wasn’t about to let her drown.

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