Vampire on the Orient Express by Shane Carrow EPUB & PDF

Vampire on the Orient Express by Shane Carrow EPUB & PDF

Vampire on the Orient Express by Shane Carrow EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Shane Carrow
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Vampire Thrillers
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Nightfall in the City of Lights. An overcast afternoon blurred into a
drizzly evening, the last days of winter still clinging on to northern France.
The streetlights glared through the murk and raindrops beaded on the
umbrellas of the few brave souls venturing out into gusty streets.
An American stalked up the Boulevard de Magenta, hunched beneath
an umbrella he’d taken from a cafe in Saint-Ambroise. His eyes scanned the
face of every passing pedestrian and checked every doorway for suspect
figures. He was generally not a man given to anxiety, but tonight – in this
city, at this moment – he felt nervous. Sam Carter was a deserter from the
French Foreign Legion, and as he hurried down the soggy boulevard he
fancied he could hear the ticking of his watch.
Nobody knows where you are, he scolded himself. Pull yourself
together, soldier!

Not a soldier. Not anymore. Or was he? Strictly speaking he hadn’t
yet deserted. He was on leave, not due back at the barracks until Sunday
night. But it was also true that he had several stolen pay packets in his coat
pocket – what of it? Those men were his camarades, not his friends – and
that he had a ticket booked to Constantinople on the Orient Express,
departing tonight.

Not for the first time Carter wondered whether he was too impulsive.
In a few days he’d be sitting on a sun-drenched terrace in Turkey, a
thousand miles from the Gallic authority he’d come to despise. He wouldn’t
have anything in the world to worry about. But right now, on this wet
February night beneath the dripping tree branches of the 10th
arrondissement, every raincoat looked like a gendarme.

He pushed on up the street, past shops lit up like Christmas trees,
blazing windows projecting into the miserable evening: chemists, butchers,
draperies, a fairground of light and colour at street level, the rain-shrouded
windows of apartments rising five or six storeys above. For the first time he
passed a true pair of gendarmerie, faces downcast beneath their caps,
rainwater running in rivulets from their black capes.

The true duty of any
policemen anywhere in the world: find somewhere warm and relatively dry
to wait out their shift without too much trouble. They passed him without
comment. Carter had taken his service pistol from the barracks when he left,
a Browning War Model, and he could feel its weight in the holster below
his left armpit.

The Gare de l’Est was a bright and shining temple, a beacon through
the thickening rain, Friday evening commuters pouring forth from its
golden mouth.

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