To Marry a Fae by Miranda Bridges EUB & PDF

To Marry a Fae by Miranda Bridges EUB & PDF

To Marry a Fae by Miranda Bridges EUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: Miranda Bridges
  • Genre: Romantic Fantasy
  • Publish Date: May 5, 2023
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Avail for Download
  • Price: Free

“If you want to piss me off, just tell me I can’t do something,” I say.
Gil throws up his hands in frustration, his lopsided grin disappearing in an
instant. “I’m not telling you can’t go into town. I’m simply advising you not
to.” My best friend beseeches me with his gaze, the warmth of his brown
eyes melting the frost around my heart. “I care about you and don’t want to
see you hurt.”

The word again is left unsaid.
It floats in the air like a foul stench. I wrinkle my nose as memories of my
last encounter surface in my mind. The villagers changed tactics that time,
opting to use stones instead of throwing old fruit at me. The scar on my cheek
is a constant reminder of their prejudice.
And my fae heritage.
Well, that, along with my slightly pointed ears, superior strength, and
heightened senses. As if I could forget being a half-blood.
A faeling. “Ling” meaning lesser.

Lesser fae… or a greater human, depending on how you look at it.
Taking a moment to rein in my anger, I brush away a patch of mud on my
pants. It’s a losing battle. Bits of dirt from my time spent gardening cling to
my clothes as well as my face and blonde hair, dimming its shine. I can’t
avoid the filth any more than I can my parentage.

“You’re right.” I sigh long and loud. “I just keep thinking that if I show
up over and over, it’ll force them to deal with their narrow-minded attitudes
and accept the fact that I’m a person. One who bleeds and feels like they do.
It’s not as though I’m completely fae. My human mother was a pillar in this
community before she met my father.”

Whoever that bastard is.
“May Willa rest in peace eternal,” Gil says. He bows his head, and his
dark locks glide along his temples for a brief moment. “I think you
overestimate the villagers’ willingness to change.”
I lift my chin. “And I think you underestimate my tenacity.”
“No, I don’t.” He steps up to me and runs his gaze over my face. It’s
leisurely, a slow and steady perusal that unsettles me. “I’ve never doubted the
fight in you, only your ability to win.”

My eyes narrow. “Is that a challenge?”
He exhales and scrubs his hand over his jaw. “I know better than to do
that. You’d get yourself killed.”
“I might be impulsive, but I’m not an idiot.” Hurt creeps along my chest
and burrows inside my heart. “I want to stay alive more than I want to elevate
everyone’s low opinion of me. It’s why I still live in the forest instead of in

Gil flicks his gaze to the small dwelling behind us, my home since birth.
In a clearing surrounded by trees sits a modest, single-story house with a
steep roof, designed to shed snow in the winter. The siding is made of roughhewn logs, while the small windows are made of thick plank wood and
covered in shutters. A trail of broken twigs and crushed leaves leads to the

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