Through the Fire by C. E. Murphy EPUB & PDF

Through the Fire by C. E. Murphy EPUB & PDF

Through the Fire by C. E. Murphy EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: C. E. Murphy
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal & Urban Fantasy 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

The text carried the same body blow every time Nick read it. Both the
news and the sheer assholery of the delivery. Punch to the gut, followed by
a groin shot. Enough to make him sick. The phone had fallen out of his cold
hands when the message first came in. Tyler, his roommate—wideshouldered, dark-skinned, with a handful of dreads caught in a band and the
rest falling free—picked it up, read it, and handed it back. “So your
brother’s a dick. Need a lift home?”
“Yeah.” Nick hadn’t said a whole lot else since. Tyler called Stephanie
for him, because he didn’t seem to be able to do it himself. She met them at
the truck less than an hour later. Ty drove, while Nick and Steph sat in the
back, Nick alternating between staring at the message and out the window.
Eighteen hours between San Francisco and north-east Colorado, a stone’s
throw away from the Nebraska border.

“There’s nothing fucking out here,” Ty said at one point. “Like a million
miles of nothing.”
“Yeah, that’s kind of the appeal.”
“I thought your dad was a bounty hunter,” Ty objected. “Don’t you have
to be, like, near people to hunt them?”
Stephanie said, “Shut up, Ty,” but Nick shrugged.
“You go where the hunt takes you, that’s all. It’s okay,” he said to Steph,
more quietly.

“You don’t like talking about it.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t like my dad being dead either, but here we are.”
Stephanie inhaled sharply but said nothing. Nick looked out the
windows again, tension thinning his lips and flaring his nostrils. It took a
minute to say, “Sorry.”
“It’s all right.” Her hand, warm around his, squeezed.
Nick risked a look at her. She hadn’t slept much. Shadows marred her
dark, concerned eyes and made the gold-brown depths of her skin look
sallow. Her loosely curling hair, usually worn down, was back in a severe
ponytail that made her look worried. He tried to offer a more apologetic, or
reassuring smile, and knew it didn’t work. “It’s not, but thanks.”
She nodded, and Nick turned his attention out the window again, then
almost immediately pulled his phone out to stare at it. He’d texted Chris
back after he didn’t know how many hours. You okay?
Not really, had come back faster than he’d expected it to. You?

No answer since then. No asking if Nick was coming to the funeral. No
information on what had happened. Just ‘not really’, which—honestly—was
more of an admission than he’d expected out of his older brother.
Nick had already been on the road by then, but if he hadn’t been, that
would have been enough to bring him home.

“Turn here,” he said to Tyler. The north-eastern corner of Colorado
didn’t have much going for it: wide roads, repetitive views, and a wind that
came from every direction at once. Dry snow blew in gusts across the road,
although it was surprisingly thin on the ground, for March. They’d passed
through Sterling, close to the state border, and it had looked like nobody
had even needed to bother with snow plows that year

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