Three by Jenna Thalia EPUB & PDF

Three by Jenna Thalia EPUB & PDF

Three by Jenna Thalia EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: Jenna Thalia
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Ever since becoming committed to Gideon, Dax, and Lazlo, Margaux had
been desperate to get me to visit her kink club. I’d been so hyperfocused most of my adult life on just surviving, I never really considered
whether or not I could find better ways to ensure I was well satisfied
sexually. To be honest my mom’s spotty history with men ensured I would
eschew any settling down.

As soon as I turned eighteen, I walked out the door of our rat-infested
five-floor walkup. Despite her protests about how she’d be alone after
everything she did for me to keep me safe, I never looked back. By that
time the number of “daddies” I had crept toward the double digits.
I wasn’t the same person anymore, the albatross around my mom’s
neck. The kid who bounced from house to house as she bedded down with
one man after another to secure her future.

At thirty-three, I was debt free, could discuss things like diversified
portfolios, and owned my condo downtown in a very desirable high-rise.
Blissfully single. I wasn’t a serial dater but had my share of men I’d spent
time with. While some bemoaned turning thirty as some entrance into
adulthood, I still enjoyed being young and unattached. Especially since the
whole picket fence and baby thing held zero appeal for me.

“Are you okay? Nervous?”
Margaux arranged my hair so the curls she’d collected into a long
ponytail hung down my back. “Something to grab on to,” for whatever
partner I decided got the honor of slipping between my legs, Margaux had
whispered while doing my hair prior to leaving her house. Her three men
stayed back, allowing us “space” to enjoy a ladies’ night.
“I’m fine.” I squeezed her hand to show her I wasn’t nervous in the

It was sex. This visit to Club Sin was nothing more than a hookup. The
way Margaux kept beaming at me with the full wattage of her smile though,
made me feel as if I were performing in some kindergarten play and she
was my mom ready with a disposable camera.

“Mistress Margaux, your room is ready whenever you want to go up.”
A beautiful woman with rainbow-colored hair and a name tag that read
“Whisper,” checked us in and handed me a guest bracelet. Margaux told me
prior to coming that the colors denoted the kink people were interested in.
I’d chosen fuchsia and green, for soft coaxing discipline. The thought of
someone gentle giving me a funishment intended to entice rather than
punish ranked way up at the top of my list of curiosities.

When Margaux had gone over the list with me, everything was so black
and white. But I existed in a prism of many things that maybe I’d like, or at
least wanted to try. And her list said nothing about “total newb who doesn’t
even know if she’s into anything let alone a single thing that she definitely
wants to experience.”
“Thank you, Whisper. If anyone is looking for me, my guest and I will
be in the gathering room.”

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