The Unquiet Grave by Sharyn McCrumb EPUB & PDF

The Unquiet Grave by Sharyn McCrumb EPUB & PDF

The Unquiet Grave by Sharyn McCrumb EPUB & PDF – Details About

  • Author: Sharyn McCrumb
  • Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Literary Fiction
  • Publish Date: September 12, 2017
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Avail for Download
  • Price: Free



THE PLACE WAS AS QUIET as it ever got in the hours around midnight, with only
occasional screams or sobs from the cells down the corridor to disturb his
contemplation. Somewhere, perhaps on another floor of the building, someone
was singing.

He was standing at the window, as he always did at that time of night, hands
resting on the bars, his face pressed against the wire-reinforced glass, as if the
cool night air could waft him away. Perhaps no one cared if he stood at the
window after lights-out; there were a hundred patients and perhaps a dozen staff
members who were busy enough without having to worry about a quiet man
having a sleepless night. Anyhow, even if they did care, chances were that they
wouldn’t see him. His dark face would not glow in the moonlight and give him

He strained his eyes, searching the darkness beyond the treetops, hoping that
the clouds would part enough to let him see the shapes of the dark cliffs across
the river. That was Ohio, over there. In his parents’ day, back when this place
was still part of Virginia, that side of the river would have meant freedom, but
that had changed now. Now freedom—or the lack of it—was the same
everywhere for ordinary people. And for madmen and criminals, there was no
freedom at all. Since he had spent most of his life subscribing to, and even
enforcing, that rule, it seemed churlish to object to it now, just because its

strictures now applied to him. Those who are a danger to themselves or others
must be restrained.

He could never see the river itself—it was nearly a mile away, beyond the
fields on the other side of the road. Except in the dead of winter, the trees
blocked the view, and then the steep embankment obscured the water. At least
he knew it was there, though: the broad, dark waters of the Ohio rolling on to
the Mississippi and on to its freedom in the Gulf. He would like to have seen
that confluence, followed it even, all the way to journey’s end. The puny little
rivers where he came from, in the eastern part of West Virginia, weren’t a patch
on this one; why, except in the spring floods, you could wade across most of
them. What was the point of being here—so close—and not getting to see the
river? What was the point of being here anyhow? It wasn’t as if they could help
him. If he had been delusional, perhaps they could have led him back to reason,
but he always thought that his problem was seeing the world too clearly.

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