The Thief and the Agent by Cat Johnson EPUB & PDF

The Thief and the Agent by Cat Johnson EPUB & PDF

The Thief and the Agent by Cat Johnson EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: Cat Johnson
  • Genre: Action & Adventure Romance Fiction
  • Publish Date: May 15, 2023
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Avail for Download
  • Price: Free

Ametallic tinkling sound heralded Emmett’s arrival to everyone inside
as he ducked to avoid hitting his head on the bell that hung above the
The blonde behind the long-scarred bar on the left wall raised her gaze
and smiled as he headed in her direction.
“Draft, please, Jennie. Pint.”

The blonde narrowed her eyes at him before grabbing a pint glass and
pulling the tap. “Emmett Roland. I’ve been serving you at this bar for going
on fifteen years now. You think I can’t remember what you drink?”
Emmett smiled. “Oh, I know you can. You’re worlds smarter than me,
Jennie, and always have been.”
“And there you go, flashing those baby blues at me from under that
gorgeous thick dark mop of Elvis hair. You always were a flirt.” She planted
the beer in front of him on top of a cardboard coaster advertising some
fancy low-carb ale he’d never drink.

“Am I a flirt?” he asked with a grin, reaching for the cold glass before
taking a swallow of the hoppy, aromatic brew.
“Now you’re flashing those dimples at me. Me, a happily married
woman.” She winked at him, teasingly.
Emmett clutched his hand to his heart. “Please. Don’t remind me how I
missed my chance. My only consolation is that you ended up marrying one
of my best friends. He’s a way better man than me, but still, even he can
only come close to deserving you, Jennie darlin’.”

“Are you flirting with my wife again?” Russ asked, coming up behind
him and squeezing the back of Emmett’s neck.
“Always.” Emmett grinned.
“Can we talk?” Russ’s tone was suddenly serious.
“Yeah, of course.” He picked up the pint, grabbing a bar napkin for the
condensation already forming on the glass, and followed Russ to a table in
the back corner. When they were seated, he asked, “What’s up?”

“A woman was in here about an hour ago…” Russ began, his gaze on
Emmett’s. “She was asking for Emmett Wilder.”
Emmett’s brows rose at the name he hadn’t heard—or been known by—
for over twenty years. “What the hell?”
“My sentiments exactly. Especially when she pulled out her ID. FBI.”
“FBI?” That tidbit proved to be an eye opener.

“Yeah. I was a little worried too until she showed me a picture of the
‘Emmett Wilder’ she was looking for.”
Confused by Russ’s use of air quotes as much as by his statement,
Emmett shook his head. “What do you mean?”

He was Emmett Wilder. At least he used to be. That’s what it said on his
birth certificate and the driver’s license he’d gotten at sixteen, right about
the time he’d dropped the name Wilder forever in favor of using his middle
name—his mother’s maiden name.
Now he was Emmett Roland in every way that counted.

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