The Seaside Hotel by Agnès Ruiz EPUB & PDF

The Seaside Hotel by Agnès Ruiz EPUB & PDF

The Seaside Hotel by Agnès Ruiz EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: Agnès Ruiz
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Suspense
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Joanna left the reception of the seaside hotel quickly. She felt bad for
leaving the intern student alone, but she had to try to track down her
brother, Joshua.

Besides, it was still the low season and it wasn’t crowded. Mélanie
would at least be able to check in a guest if one arrived at the reception
desk. She wasn’t as dim as she looked.

Joanna hadn’t liked her much since the beginning. Mélanie laughed at
nothing, and only half listened to instructions, unless it was Joanna’s
brother, Josh who was speaking to her. What a fool! She annoyed Joanna so
much that she seethed inside.

It was the young girl’s first job. She was eighteen years old and had just
dropped out of college during the final year. She mentioned in her interview
that it was too much pressure. Joanna told herself that it was a good reason
not to give her the hotel reception job. What would she do in the middle of
the summer with guests bustling around, sometimes in a bad mood? Would
she pretend it was too much pressure then, too, and leave them high and dry
at their busiest time?
However, her brother turned up five minutes before the end of the
interview. It was he who had asked this fool, Mélanie, to apply. Of course
he had shown goodwill, ensuring she would have enough time to learn the
job before the busy season.

Furious, Joanna could do nothing to dissuade him. Provided that he
understood that she would only be an intern for six months; training was
paid by the state, so it wouldn’t take anything out of their pockets. Joanna
agreed that just this once it wasn’t a bad idea, even if she detested that type
of ploy. As seasonal workers, they were used to it. Using a workforcealmost for free- made her feel uncomfortable, but she couldn’t allow herself
to be fussy. Last years’ turnover was more disappointing than the other
years. The seaside hotel had to recover its health.

So Joanna had to put up with Mélanie’s giggling, and never-ending
good moods. After all, it would be wrong of her not to recognise that it was
a positive point having her on reception. She wouldn’t be alone, anyway.
Two other receptionists would be there to bear the brunt of the summer. The
hotel’s toughest season; not only because of the heat from the sun or
because of it being the peak season. Before long, the telephone would not
stop ringing, as well as them getting constant e-mails for reservations.

Joanna ignored the lifts and took the stairs. She had read in a magazine
that it worked your buttocks which she thought were getting too soft these
days. She may as well enjoy the beautiful stairs to get fit.
She imagined the hotel teeming with people. Half of the rooms were
already booked, some of which by regular guests.

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