The Quest of the Reclusive Rogue by Ellie St. Clair EPUB & PDF

The Quest of the Reclusive Rogue by Ellie St. Clair EPUB & PDF

The Quest of the Reclusive Rogue by Ellie St. Clair EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Ellie St. Clair
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

Prudence stood in the shadows at the back of the room, one hand on
the hilt of her sword, ready to draw it against anyone who

Not that she was in any danger at the moment. But she had become rather
used to being on her guard, whether it was here on the hallowed ground of
Angelo’s Fencing Academy or as she traversed the streets between the school
and Warwick House.

She was accustomed to the room being filled with the sounds of swords
clashing and men alternately gasping or cheering, a place where she always
found contentment. Of course, she couldn’t completely be herself, for Lady
Prudence Remington should never be caught in a fencing academy – as a
viewer would be horror enough, but as a participant? She couldn’t deny,
however, that she was far more at home here among strangers who had no
idea the truth of her identity than she was standing in the middle of a
ballroom curtseying demurely at any gentleman who approached.

“Why are we requested to be here today?” she asked Hugo in a low voice.
She typically joined in with the gentlemen who remained to watch the other
matches, taking her turn when it was required. But Hugo had sent her a note
to arrive early, as requested by fencing master Henry Angelo himself. The
room felt oddly empty, despite the rapiers on the wall, and she tapped her
foot impatiently as they waited for Mr. Angelo to arrive.

Usually she was filled with confidence when she entered Angelo’s, her
single fear that someone would discover she was not Peter Robertson. There
was never a doubt in her actual ability. She was well aware that she could
best whoever she faced. She had dueled most men here at Angelo’s and had
nearly always emerged the victor.
She just wished they all knew that they had been bested by a woman.
Had Angelo finally discovered her true identity?

“Nothing to fear,” Hugo murmured. “Angelo will be here any moment. It
sounds as though he has someone he wanted you to bout privately.”
“But who?” she asked her friend, the only man who knew all her secrets,
who understood who she was, through and through – as she did him.
“I am uncertain. Angelo said it would be a good match.”
Prudence nodded as she drew a breath, centering herself, before Henry
Angelo walked into the room.
“Mr. Robertson. Mr. Conway. Thank you for coming.”
“Of course.”
“I understand this is rather unusual, but your opponent prefers private

She nodded as she stepped into the center of the room, taking on her
identity as Mr. Peter Robertson. She was actually rather proud that Angelo
had thought of her for a private match. It meant that she had finally made the
name for herself that she had been striving for – even if the name was
contrived. Any femininity of her features, of which she was lacking in
comparison to her sister or sister-in-law, of that she was certain, was
explained by the youth she claimed. She had begun as an underdog, but no

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