The Marked Girl by Lindsey Klingele EPUB & PDF

The Marked Girl by Lindsey Klingele EPUB & PDF

The Marked Girl by Lindsey Klingele EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: Lindsey Klingele
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fairy Tales 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free


Light glinted off the side of the sword as it arced down in one perfect,
sweeping motion. The blade slid into the exposed side of the young man
who knelt, frozen, on the ground. Immediately, a small patch of deep red
bloomed against his shirt, and he collapsed in a broken heap. The blackhaired girl who gripped the sword handle grinned wide and pulled her
weapon back, flinging it up over her head so it reached for the night sky—
Liv Phillips sighed and pushed herself up off of the cement, from where
she’d been watching the action unfold. Her knees creaked, and she badly
needed to crack her neck. She took two steps toward Shannon Mei, the girl
with the sword, who was now twirling the weapon around with lazy flicks
of her wrist.

“There isn’t enough blood,” Liv said.
The boy on the ground—Jeremy—rolled over and sat up. He pulled up
the edge of his T-shirt, examining the dark red stain on the side of his
abdomen—and, Liv noticed, giving ample view of the abs he flaunted at
every given opportunity. Actors.

“What are you talking about? It’s just as much as last time.”
“No, it’s not,” Liv responded. “The pack must have malfunctioned.”
She turned around and looked at her crew, which was less an actual crew
and more a single camera-operator-in-training nicknamed Tall Tony (for
reasons that remained a mystery to Liv, since he was more skinny than he
was tall). Currently, Tall Tony was busy blowing dust out of the camera
lens. Or maybe he was pretending to be busy so he didn’t have to make eye
contact with Liv.

“Tony, do we have any more blood packs?”
“Uh, that was the last one,” he replied.
“This was my last shirt,” Jeremy said from the ground. “And I think she
ripped it with that thing.” Jeremy nodded up to Shannon, who still twirled
the prop sword in her hand. Its plastic edges nearly looked like real metal in
the weak light. Kind of. If you squinted.

“Oh, I did not,” Shannon said. She used the sword edge to flick strands
of her thick, black hair out of her eyes. “See? It’s harmless.”
“Shannon, you didn’t happen to remember to bring any extra T-shirts,
did you? Maybe we can do the scene one more time, up until you stab him,”
Liv said.

But Shannon shook her head. “I’m an actress first, wardrobe lady
second. I can’t remember all the things.”
“You certainly can’t remember your lines,” Jeremy muttered.
“Excuse me?”
Liv heard the obvious warning in Shannon’s voice, but Jeremy had a
talent for digging in deeper when anyone with common sense would bail.

“Oh, don’t get all offended. It’s not like you’re a real actress or
anything. You’re not even in the film program. Liv only cast you because
you’re her friend.”

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