The Broken World by Lindsey Klingele EPUB & PDF

The Broken World by Lindsey Klingele EPUB & PDF

The Broken World by Lindsey Klingele EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: Lindsey Klingele
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fairy Tales 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Los Angeles was going to hell.
People from everywhere else in the country had been saying that for
years, of course. They gasped in fear at the helter-skelter sixties, raised their
eyebrows when teased hair, pleather, and loud music took over the Sunset
Strip in the eighties, and shook their heads at the nineties riots. And that
was all before reality TV. They said too much sunshine soaked into people’s
brains and addled them. Or maybe it was the Botox. Or the traffic. The city
was home to gangs, vegan cleanses, Lindsay Lohan. One day the whole
place would break away and sink right into the Pacific Ocean, and good
riddance—it was all falling apart, anyway.

Shannon Mei had heard all that and more her whole life, but never had
any reason to take it seriously.
Until now.

Shannon’s best friend, Liv Phillips, had been gone for twenty-four
hours, and in that time, their hometown had taken a serious left turn into the
crazy. For a solid chunk of those twenty-four hours, Shannon had been
holed up at the West Los Angeles Medical Center, staking out the room of a
strange, mostly unpleasant boy and watching the city outside turn to chaos.
For the twentieth time that day, Shannon parted the blinds in the tiny
hospital room and looked out the window. In late August in Los Angeles,
the sky should have been a deep, clear—but still familiar and unremarkable
—blue, maybe dotted here and there with wispy white clouds.
But this sky wasn’t the one Shannon knew.

For one thing, it was orange. And not the bright, Technicolor orange of
sunrises and sunsets, but a sickly, brownish orange, thick with rust-colored
clouds. It looked angry. And the people in the city sprawled out beneath it
gazed up, helplessly, at a sky that had turned on them like a loyal dog
suddenly gone feral. What else could they do? Run? How could you run
from the sky?
And that wasn’t the only thing going wrong. After a large earthquake
the day before (one Shannon knew had been caused by Liv traveling to
another world), the ground continued to rumble every couple of hours. It
was getting warmer, too. Los Angeles was always hot in August, but
temperatures didn’t usually climb quite this fast during the day. Even in the
air-conditioned hospital, the fabric of Shannon’s slinky T-shirt clung to her

She closed the blinds again.
Inside the small room, it was dark and quiet. Merek lay still on the
hospital bed, his thin, lanky frame nearly edging off the small cot. The top
of his head was wrapped in gauze, and the right side of his face was a dark
bruise. Merek was being treated for smoke inhalation, a concussion, and a
gash on his collarbone that needed twelve stitches. But that bruise on his
face was maybe the worst—a nasty gift from when Cedric, Merek’s friend,

enemy, and leader, had smashed Merek’s face into the ground repeatedly for
what turned out to be no reason at all.

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