The Cosmo Club by Rosie Meleady EPUB & PDF

The Cosmo Club by Rosie Meleady EPUB & PDF

The Cosmo Club by Rosie Meleady EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Rosie Meleady
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

One advantage of finding out you have terminal cancer is that you get to
plan your own funeral. Another is you can ask people you love to
make promises they are afraid to break in case you come back to haunt
them. For a former Goth metal head, this was the ultimate positive out of a
negative situation.

Of course, I left the bone-white foundation and black lipstick back in my teen
years. I was now a much more respectable looking woman, and I knew for
sure that I did not want to lie in my coffin looking like the corpse I’d tried to
look like in my teen years. I had chosen my outfit and a red lipstick for when
the time came.

My cancer was a slow boil, but bad news travels fast and gradually all six
women found me and resurfaced—the Cosmo Clubbers. Seven of us, old
school buddies. We were inseparable, forming one half of the school hockey
team. The other half of the team were nerds; we were the cool ones.
We, the Cosmo Clubbers, were all quite different but the one thing we all had
in common in our teenage years was our belief in star signs, the power of the
cosmos, the mysteries of the universe… and the horoscopes in Cosmo

Isabelle, or Bell as we called her, was the most fanatical about astrology. She
was the Cancerian clown of the group, which was ironic as she is scared stiff
of clowns. My favourite was Fanny, the sexy Scorpio. She always got all the
male attention without trying, partly because of her Mediterranean influenced
looks which were considered ‘exotic’ in pale, freckly, late-80s Ireland.

Laura was the logical one who planned all our parties and sleepovers, Ruby
the most studious, Val could outwit anyone and Wendy a strong-minded
redhead but the most naïve. Well, that’s when we were younger, anyway. I
was always the prankster and death would not get in the way of me
continuing to hold that title.

Twenty years ago, we thought nothing, or no one, could get in the way of our
bond. Then life happened, we all drifted our separate ways, and we became
very much ‘separable’.
Over the months, I found out another thing about becoming terminally ill –
friends tend to share their deepest secrets with you. Perhaps it was the feeling
that I would be too busy fighting this damn thing to pay much heed to their
confessions, so their secrets would safely go to the grave with me.

But strangely enough, lying in bed gives you a lot of time to think, plan and
amuse yourself with the thoughts of what people’s reaction will be to your
last wishes. Hopefully, I will be hanging around the clouds watching, but I
don’t know how that works yet. Something I did know was the chemo
treatment was no longer working. My doctors had given up on it, so as a last
resort, they put me on an experimental drug.

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