The Chemistry of Levi by Brynne Asher EPUB & PDF

The Chemistry of Levi by Brynne Asher EPUB & PDF

The Chemistry of Levi by Brynne Asher EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Brynne Asher
  • Language: English
  • Genre:  Action & Adventure Romance Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Change is brutal.
This is also a new development. I never knew change could be a
rusty knife to the soul, but the last thirty days proves it. This conversation
from hell is the stinging tetanus shot proving all the recent changes in my
reality could not suck more.
I never had issues with change until the weight of the world landed on
my shoulders.
“We need to discuss your grades while there’s still time for you to turn
them around. This isn’t in line with your transcript from your school in
Phoenix. How are you settling in, Carissa?”
Settling in?

I fist the cuffs of my oversized cardigan where my arms are crossed. I
don’t want my white knuckles to give away what I’m truly feeling. “Fine.”
I wonder if Mrs. Bradley is going to enroll me in a theater class, since
there’s no way I could convince anyone that I’m anywhere in the universe
of fine at the moment.

She fingers the polyester scarf tied at her neck as she studies me—more
intently than I can say for myself when it comes to studying since we
landed in the Commonwealth. “I have an appointment tomorrow with your
grandmother about Cade. When your mother enrolled you, she gave me
permission to talk to you about him. How is he settling in at home?”
There’s not much in life that steels my spine, but the topic of my brother
is at the top of that list. “I had no idea our grandmother has a meeting
scheduled with you. Why? Cade’s grades are better than mine. No, they’re
perfect. And if you really need to know, things aren’t great, considering this
isn’t our home.”

She pauses as her eyes narrow on me. “The meeting is a formality—
protocol for the program. Our meeting tomorrow is nothing more than a
prescheduled visit with Cade’s teachers. But let’s talk about the latter. Your
grandmother gave me the impression you and Cade are transitioning well.
If you’d like to share something else, it would help me a great deal before
our meeting.”

There’s so much more to know, but my new school counselor has no
power to fix the damage already done.

Instead of telling her that, I stand and sling my backpack over my
shoulder. “Everything is great. I’m sure my grandmother will tell you how
great things are at your meeting. I don’t want to be late to my next class.”
That’s a lie too. I’d rather sit through another meal with Louise before
getting to class on time. That says a lot about how much I want to sit here
and talk to my counselor.

“Wait.” Mrs. Bradley picks up a piece of paper from her cluttered desk
and hands it to me. “Tutoring. You’re scheduled three days a week after
school in the library until you bring your grade up to a C.”

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