The Awakening by Shane Purdy EPUB & PDF

The Awakening by Shane Purdy EPUB & PDF

The Awakening by Shane Purdy EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Authors: Shane Purdy
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Fantasy Sports
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

One week after defeating the Deepsea Kraken, on the eightieth floor of The
Administrator Dungeon
A wide grin stretches across my face as I fall the rest of the way from
the crystal-coated trees hanging above the forest straight into the boss’s head
with one clawed hand stretched out towards it. Once I reach it, my claws dig
straight through the cracked crystals that make up the enormous, crystalcoated spider’s head and into its brain.
The boss of the eighth floor theme – otherwise known as a Crystal
Narcolye – immediately stops putting up any fight against Sapphire, allowing
her to push it to the side as I jump off of its body with its brain held in my
clawed hand.

After tossing the brain onto the ground, I watch the boss’s corpse for a
few seconds as it disappears before muttering, “Much easier than the
leviathan boss on the last theme…”
Just seconds later, I grunt slightly as I feel Sapphire practically tackling
me before climbing up to my shoulder as usual. At the same time, a large
chest coated in crystals with the symbol of a spider’s head on the front of it
appears in the place of the boss’s corpse.
I reach up to pet Sapphire as I walk over to the chest. Before reaching it
though, I glance at the corner of my interface.

My Info:
Level: 901
EXP: 12832/90100
System Points: 815.20
Viewing Room Profits: 2421
Although part of that is probably because I over leveled a bit for this
floor boss.
Which, if I’m being honest, is what I would like to have done for the
leviathan as well. But with the last theme being a hazardous floor and all, it
made it practically impossible to do that.

Once I touch the boss chest, a frown replaces the grin on my face.
Item | Crystalline Silk Bow | Tier 6
This item is not attainable outside of a boss chest from the
boss: Arachnid Lord of the Crystal Forest.
The Crystalline Silk Bow increases the user’s arm strength
by 100%, while also doubling the piercing power of whatever
arrows are shot from the bow.
Any arrow shot from this bow will gain the texture and
sharpness of a crystal from the body of a Crystal Narcolye.
“A bow?” I mutter to myself out loud before Crystal’s face comes to

Hmm, she might want it. So, I’ll keep it, just in case I run into her in the
future, and she has something I want in return.
I grab the bow before placing it into my inventory.
Although, it’s also quite likely that she has a better bow already and
won’t have any use for it.
I frown for a second at the thought before shrugging and walking over
towards the exit.
Doesn’t really matter right now.

My focus turns to Sapphire as I both hear and feel her begin purring on
my shoulder whilst rubbing her ice-coated head against my neck.
Suddenly, a flash of memories returns from my battle with the kraken
event boss, causing my face to turn grim slightly.

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