Soul of the Pack by Lola Glass EPUB & PDF

Soul of the Pack by Lola Glass EPUB & PDF

Soul of the Pack by Lola Glass EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Lola Glass
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

Thin streams of smoke dipped and danced through the thick fog surrounding
me. Small tongues of fire licked at the smoke, leaning hard to the south as the
wind dragged it toward the ocean. Waves lapped at the sandy shore behind
me, their noise and the occasional wolf’s howl the only greeting I’d had in

Stress had balled itself in my lower belly, and that ball was my sole but
constant companion since I’d escaped my home.
My eyes flitted back to the fish wrapped in toa leaves. I was lucky to have
caught it; lucky to have a love for the ocean that none around me shared.
Despite my luck, I knew I couldn’t let it cook long. Every second the fire
burned was another second the flames could lead someone to me.
And since everyone was a risk, that was far from ideal.

I’d tried to avoid building a fire at all, but my mortal body had grown weak
and cold and numb. When I ate the previous fish raw, I’d spent hours on my
hands and knees, vomiting. I’d only just managed to recover, and if I didn’t
eat, I wouldn’t live more than another few hours.

My gaze flicked to the small freshwater river a few feet away from me. I’d
known it was freshwater before I got there, and had heard it was clean
enough to most-likely survive drinking it, which was why I’d chosen that
location in the first place. If only I’d managed to keep the raw fish down, I
would’ve been fine to survive the six months of transition on my own.
Now, I had to put my safety at risk by building a fire to cook my food.

“You have one more minute,” I whispered to the definitely-dead, mostlycooked fish. If I undercooked him, I risked making myself even sicker than
before. If I passed out again from illness, I was nearly certain I wouldn’t
wake up.
But if I left the fire burning too long, a roaming wyvern or manticore or—
beasts forbid—dragon from the Blood Pack, whose beach I was camped out
on, could catch sight or whiff of it.
And if that were the case… well, I’d be better-off killed by the fish. Death
by illness wasn’t so bad.

Being tortured by the Blood Pack would be a much worse way to go out.
“Alright, little friend. It’s time,” I murmured.
Using the big stick I’d attempted to sharpen with a rock a few days earlier,
I stabbed the outside edge of the fish-wrap and dragged it away from the

Leaving it a few feet away to cool, I tossed my sharp stick to the sand and
grabbed the edges of the long, thick toa leaves I’d spread beneath the small
fire I built. It had taken me time to come up with my plan for putting out the
flames quickly, since I didn’t have a bucket or cup or anything to hold water
in, but I was quite proud of the plan.

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