SoL by Jennifer Julie Miller EPUB & PDF

SoL by Jennifer Julie Miller EPUB & PDF

SoL by Jennifer Julie Miller EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Authors: Jennifer Julie Miller
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Kidnapping Thrillers
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I was sitting at the kitchen table counting change when the phone rang. I
glanced over at it and almost didn’t answer it, especially since the phone’s
screen said unknown. I know it is another bill collector and no matter how
many times I tell them I don’t have the money, they just keep calling. I stare
at the number on the screen, hoping they will hang up, but nope, it keeps
ringing. Aggravated, I say, “Hello?”
“Yes, is this Alana Palmer?”
“Lord… Yes, it is, and I told you people this morning I wouldn’t have the
money for a few more days.”

“Ms. Palmer, this is Nancy. I’m a recruiter for Cruises International. I’m
not a bill collector, honey, but let me tell you I feel your pain, we have all had
those calls. I’m calling you about a job opening we have for a new Southern
Caribbean ship that will be launching early next month. I would like to talk to
you about your application, and see if you’re still interested in the position, as
I realize it’s been a few months since you applied.”
“I’m so sorry. Did you say your name was Nancy?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”
“I can’t tell you how embarrassed I am right now. I am very interested in
the position. To be honest, this phone call couldn’t have come at a better
“Good… hopefully, this call will go well for both of us then. It says here
that you majored in costume design and dance. I am going to take a wild
guess here and say that included makeup and hair also.”
“Yes, ma’am it does, I have worked in multiple theaters and instructed
dance for years. I normally make and design all the females’ props for their
concert shows, and I major in multiple dance styles from classic to modern,
my most recent has been Shiras, that’s a type of belly dancing. I have a
portfolio I can forward to you, if you would like.”

I can hear her typing on the other end. “Ms. Palmer, that would be great.
If you can get it to me within the next couple hours, I could look over it this
evening and call you back in the morning if that’s convenient? Now… before
we get into all of that, I’m going to go over a few things with you, so neither
one of us wastes the other’s time. I want to make sure that you understand
that this is a contract job for one year? In that year you will be stationed fulltime on the boat, helping with excursions and basic functions while you’re
not on stage. In other words, they will use you as needed. Do you understand

“Yes, I read that in the application.”
“Good, okay what’s next…let’s see… You will be assigned a private
room on the lower deck. You will be awarded two days a week off at our
discretion. We put that in case of an emergency.

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