Snake Eyes by John Conroe EPUB & PDF

Snake Eyes by John Conroe EPUB & PDF

Snake Eyes by John Conroe EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Authors: John Conroe
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal & Urban Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Surrey, England
The little girl watched me from the corner of her room. Well, to be honest, it
was more like she watched me from the corner of the room where the wall
met the ceiling, high above her pink, floofy, vomit-covered bed. Also, she
wasn’t exactly a little girl—not at the moment.

Her too-pale face and bruised eye sockets snarled at me in a rictus of anger,
hate, and maybe a touch of fear. Like I haven’t seen that before. Hey
Pumpkin, wanna get a little exorcism?
The problem was her age. Not the age of the immortal demon that currently
possessed her body, but her own frail, sickly, five years of existence.
I’ve ripped demons out of all kinds of people, young and old, but never a tiny
five-year-old girl whose lifelong illnesses had left her ready to break and
snap in a stiff wind. Granted, right at the moment her body held the strength
of several men, but that wasn’t anywhere near enough to slow me down, and
the demon knew it.

No, if I jumped up, stood upside down on the ceiling, grabbed her little frame
in my hands, and yanked the demon from her body, I’d likely end up with a
broken little kid… not the result I was here to achieve. Ooops, my bad
doesn’t work with exorcism and terrified parents.
The possession was pretty high profile. Global, in fact. The girl, Poppy
Barden, had developed her unwanted boarder within days of her family
moving into the old brick row house in Cobham. Seems it had a bit of
reputation—the house, not Cobham. But the rent was cheap and the costs of
treating Fanconi anemia for most of Poppy’s young life had left the family
short on resources.

Immediately after the move, noises and smells in Poppy’s room had started,
bangs and clangs, and before Kate and Timothy Barden could seek help or
even vacate, the possession was complete.
In today’s world, society was ever-alert for signs of possession, demonic
activity, or other supernatural activity. So Poppy had received a whole host
of visits from high-ranking church exorcists, but all had failed, as the world

Hence my personal invitation by the British government to give it a go, as it
were. It was currently near midnight, which is a bad time for an exorcism but
gave us the best hope for avoiding crowds and sensationalism, at least
according to the folks in charge. A quick peek out any of the windows would
have put paid to that quaint thought… it looked more like the house was
possessed by One Direction than a demon, at least based on the crowds that
were pressing against the ring of Bobbies outside. It probably didn’t help
that it was the only me inside and the rest of my highly photogenic team was
outside, fully visible to the masses. I could hear news teams and autograph
seekers all calling out to Tanya, Stacia, Lydia, Nika, and a few to Declan.

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