SCANDALOUS by Tamara Leigh EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Novel Title: SCANDALOUS
  • Author: Tamara Leigh
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

Romary Castle upon the Barony of Woodhearst
Wulfenshire, England, October 1350
he wished her eyes deceived. Far from it.
Though at ten and eight such kisses and embraces she herself did
not know, she had no doubt those received by one aged ten and four
were entirely lacking innocence. And more lascivious this tryst for the young
woman’s partner being married.

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“Ah, Gisa,” Adelaide whispered as her sister dropped back her head,
inviting the Lord of Romary Castle to explore the low neck of a bodice that
was far from filled with womanly breasts. “He seduces a girl, and more a girl
you are for not seeing this man old enough to be your sire makes prey of

When he pushed aside the necklace hung with a pearl and dipped his head
to accept what was offered, Adelaide parted her lips to shout down reproach.
But it was then the girl’s eyes landed on her sister who had decided to see the
garden from the roof for Gisa insisting it was worth the shakes—this fear of
heights that made her dig her toes into her slippers. Certes, it was not
expected Adelaide would undertake the challenge this fourth day of her visit
when she found herself alone well beyond the hour Gisa was to be occupied
with tending her lover’s bedridden wife.

Becoming aware of the change in his victim’s demeanor, the man who
heretofore showed no signs of being a lecher drew back and said something.
Receiving no answer, he followed Gisa’s gaze up the donjon.
Adelaide could have stepped back from the embrasure whose crumbling
edge she gripped to ensure her balance, but anger held her there. She was not
the one in the wrong. Reginald Ufford was, and she longed to alarm he who
spoiled a maiden and betrayed a wife recovering from the loss of another

Though surprise and fear leapt across his face, as if assured his rolls of
the dice would land higher than hers, neither emotion lingered. And he had
reason to be confident. Were she to speak of this, greater harm would be done
Gisa. Whereas most men were forgiven their dalliances, not women who,
named temptresses or Daughters of Eve, were blamed for drawing men into
sin. And well some should be blamed, though her stepmother had paid no
price for relations outside her marriage.

Now Woodhearst’s lord, who Adelaide had agreed with her sister was
handsome, smiled—and in that moment was so far from handsome as to be
unsightly. Then he turned back to Gisa who yet stared at she who had
mothered her until deemed a bad influence.

The girl nodded at something he said, then hitching her skirts for a reason
other than to accommodate the lecher, hastened to the donjon.
Though certain her sister came to her, Adelaide waited for Reginald
Ufford to return his gaze to the rooftop.

Raising a face she now thought too wide of brow and soft of chin, he let
more of his mask fall by drawing fingers across lips that had been all over
Gisa’s mouth, neck, and chest. Then like a spoiled boy caught pilfering honey
and expecting no worse punishment than having his rear smacked in passing,
he shrugged.

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