Path of the Specialist by Pedro Urvi EPUB & PDF

Path of the Specialist by Pedro Urvi EPUB & PDF

Path of the Specialist by Pedro Urvi EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Authors: Pedro Urvi
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Coming of Age Fantasy 
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Lasgol spread his arms and let the warm breeze caress his face. He shut
his eyes and the breath of the Nordic Gods ruffled his hair, which was almost
shoulder-length. He took a deep breath and savored the unmistakable scent of
the Norghanian woods at the end of summer. The characteristic scent of his
land reminded him of his childhood: his father Dakon teaching him to track
in the woods to the north of their property in Skad. The blurred image of his
mother on horseback came to his mind: waving at them, leaving them. Those
memories filled him with bittersweet feelings: his father’s love, his pain at his
mother’s departure.

He was thoughtful there with the oak-wood in front of him. It was midafternoon and the sun caressed his pale skin, and he was grateful for the fact.
He was beside the Cave of Oblivion, although at that moment he would have
rather been beside his home in Skad, even now that his parents were no
longer there. He would be enjoying the company of the unique Ulf, the
ugliest and worst-mannered retired soldier in the entire realm, who deep
down was like a puppy. And the faithful Martha, the best housekeeper in the
whole North, would be waiting at his house. How he missed them. Both had
had an enormous impact on his life and being unable to visit them was
making him miss them.

He sighed. They had passed the Harmony Test, and Sigrid, the Mother
Specialist, had given them a week’s rest. She wanted them to get their
strength back before the beginning of the second part of the year, which she
had already warned them would be very complicated. At the same time, she
had not given permission for anybody to leave the Shelter. Lasgol would
have given anything to be able to visit Egil. Gerd and Nilsa too, though he
knew it would have been practically impossible because they were at
opposite ends of the realm. Perhaps he would soon have news of them and he
would feel better knowing how they were and what they were up to – because
knowing them, knowing the Snow Panthers, they would be involved in some
trouble or other.

“What are you thinking about?” Astrid said. She had come up from
behind him and was fixing his hair a little in a gesture that was full of
“About my land… my parents… my home… friends…”
“A little. I love summer, and it’s coming to an end…”
She gave him an ironic smile. “Don’t worry, it’ll be back in three seasons
and you’ll be able to enjoy it again.”
Lasgol smiled too and looked into her green, almost cat-like eyes, which
pierced to his soul.
Astrid poked her tongue out at him and tousled his hair. “I don’t know
why you say that. I’m all love and affection.”
“Yeah, exactly. That’s why you got Assassin of Nature in the Harmony

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