Once Upon A One-Night Stand by Zoey Locke EPUB & PDF

Once Upon A One-Night Stand by Zoey Locke EPUB & PDF

Once Upon A One-Night Stand by Zoey Locke EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: Zoey Locke
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Wednesday Evening
I can’t believe what just happened.
That’s why I’m pacing in front of the stacked washer/dryer unit in my
cousin Lilly’s apartment. I’m like a pinball bouncing between two pegs,
mortified by what came out of my mouth. I shouldn’t have said it, even if it
was true. Not every thought or emotion a girl experiences needs to be
expressed verbally.

I exhale heavily, expelling the air from deep within my throat. My head
feels like it wants to burst as I picture myself blurting out to our unexpected
dinner guest that his mere presence has made me wet down there. Those
were the words that came out of my typically thoughtful and wise mouth.
Sure, I can be a little cynical sometimes. But crass? Never.
“Ugh…” I groan.

I know why I feel less inhibited this evening.
Today was a tough day at work, but to unwind, I brought two bottles of
red wine and rum to my cousin Lilly’s apartment in Chelsea, mixed the
drinks in a glass pitcher, and enjoyed a few too many. Then, Mr. Gorgeous
Billionaire crashed a dinner which was just supposed to be Lilly and me
complaining about our exes, our jobs, and before the night was over, my
mom. Our guest had no idea my tongue was looser than usual. He must
think I’m a floozy and an idiot.

All of a sudden, a realization hits me and I come to a halt. I would,
though. I would do him in a New York minute. Our unexpected guest’s
name is Lynx Grove—yes, he’s the Lynx Grove, one in a family of
prominent tech billionaires. When he crossed the threshold carrying Lily’s
grocery bag, I couldn’t help but notice how incredibly attractive he was in
person. No man’s bone structure should be so perfect. And his lips….
They’re like succulent rose petals. I still have the urge to kiss them.

I take a deep breath to control my long-burning arousal toward the man
in Lilly’s kitchen peeling and deveining shrimp, which seems like a
mediocre task for a person of his stature. The worst part of my blurt is that I
wasn’t lying about my panties. While preparing dinner, Lynx and I had been
reaching around each other to grab this or rinse that. Although Lilly’s
kitchen is much larger than mine, it’s still too tiny to fit a man of Lynx’s
height and athletic build. He’s like a statue carved by the hands and
imagination of Michelangelo. One of his arms even brushed against mine—
twice! It was solid—like granite. And he’s wearing navy blue track pants
made of a generous satiny material. He’s all lean muscular legs and a firm
bubble butt. Ooh, and the way his tan T-shirt extends across the hard ridges
of his chest is so sexy. His tapered waist is the icing on the cake. Or is the
icing his citrusy, sandalwood, and vanilla-scented cologne that makes me
want to eat him up? Any red-blooded woman would react to him the way I
had. It’s unavoidable. Lynx Grove is objectively a solid ten out of ten. So,
basically, there was no chance of my panties escaping him unscathed.

Lilly only discovered Lynx’s true identity recently. But before we knew
his name, whenever she gushed about him, we referred to him as Mr.
Eleventh Floor since Lilly only encountered him whenever he entered the
elevator from the eleventh floor. Now, they’re friends, and she said
something about him recently that might help resolve my lust.
“Lynx Grove is in love with someone,” I whisper and then pinch my
nostrils as I groan with dread.

But my next thought makes me chuckle. I bet he’s awful in bed. He’s
probably never had to work hard to please anyone, let alone the woman he’s
having sex with.

I look down at my crotch. “So get it together Girlie. He won’t be able to
satisfy you.” My ex-boyfriend’s face comes to mind. “Haven’t you had
enough bad sex?”
“Oh,” a man’s voice roars from the front of the apartment. “Really?”
My ears perk up as I try to identify the speaker. That was definitely not

“Don’t get your panties in a bunch Orion. We’re just having dinner!”
That was Lynx.

I slap my fingers against my lips and gasp. Orion!
My insides shout, “SOS!” Lilly’s ex-boyfriend and boss, Mr. Poisonous
Apple, has made a surprise appearance. I drop my folded T-shirt and race to
the living room. Lynx can stay, but Orion has to go.

I call Orion’s name and rush to remind Lilly that she’s better off without
that selfish prick. Life feels like it’s happening in slow motion as the front
door closes behind her. And now they’re both in the hallway. I shake my
head as if I’ve just been slapped.
“So…” Lynx says.

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