Of Bones and Skulls by Samantha Ziegler EPUB & PDF

Of Bones and Skulls by Samantha Ziegler EPUB & PDF

Of Bones and Skulls by Samantha Ziegler EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Author: Samantha Ziegler
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Dark Fantasy Horror
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

– Elyse –
Elyse glared at the paunchy man who had spent the last ten minutes trying
to decide if he should buy a rabbit’s foot or a crystal pendant. As she used
her mortar and pestle to grind up herbs for a potion, she imagined it was the
man’s head she was smashing.

He had been so rude to her from the moment he walked into her
shoppe. She didn’t appreciate the judgmental way his eyes had lingered on
the shelves full of potions and hex bags, nor the way they had lingered on
her. Still, she’d politely asked him what he was looking for and pointed him
toward a table of good luck charms. She’d held back her grimace when he
asked, “Is this it?” And when he balked at her prices, she’d even refrained
from telling him where he could shove his money. Instead, she reminded
him that she was the only reputable vendor of magic paraphernalia in the
capital city of Sevhella, but that he was more than welcome to make the
twenty-mile trek to Foxboro. That was when she’d excused herself and
returned to her workstation.

The stocky man finally made his way over to Elyse and held up the
rabbit’s foot as evidence of his selection.
“That’ll be six and twenty gold pieces,” she told him.
“Six and twenty?” the man groused, his pock-marked face contorted
into a snarl. “You said it was only two earlier.”
Elyse set the mortar and pestle aside and laid her hands flat on the
haggard old worktable.
“It is,” she explained coolly. “But the vial of poison in your pocket is
worth much more.”

To his credit, the man hardly blanched at her accusation. With a
grumble, he reached his hand into his tattered cloak and pulled out the vial.
He set it on the table and slid it toward Elyse, followed by two gold pieces.
“Thank you for your business,” she crooned. She even managed a
The man rolled his eyes and waddled toward the exit. As he reached
for the doorknob, Elyse gave a delicate flick of her fingers. The latch slid
shut, locking the door.

The man cursed and tugged at the latch, but no matter how hard he
tried, it didn’t budge. Watching him struggle gave Elyse a flutter of
satisfaction. She rounded the worktable and slowly, silently on her bare
feet, strolled toward the door while the man continued to yank fruitlessly at
the handle. She stopped just behind him and let out a quiet, sinister laugh.
“You didn’t think you could get off that easy, did you?”
The man leapt at the sound of her voice. He spun around, and his
bloodshot eyes widened, frantically taking her in.
“Let me out, you witch,” he spat, his voice trembling slightly.

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