Magical Midlife Challenge by K.F. Breene EPUB & PDF

Magical Midlife Challenge by K.F. Breene EPUB & PDF

Magical Midlife Challenge by K.F. Breene EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: K.F. Breene
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

I TRAILED my fingertips along the muscular arm draped across my middle,
which was illuminated by the butter-yellow sunlight pouring through the

Crap. It was morning. The challenge was in a scant few hours.
A flare of nervousness jiggled my stomach. Closing my eyes, I pulled in a
deep breath, expanding my chest, and then let it out nice and slow as I opened
them again. I looked at Austin, soaking him in, and flattened my palm on his
big shoulder. He lay on his stomach with his left cheek buried in the pillow,
his face pointed at me. The sheets bunched across his hips, revealing his
broad, muscular back.

A sense of profound serenity welled up inside me, calming the swirl of
turbulent emotion from the moment before.
Ever since we’d claimed each other as mates three weeks ago, I’d felt
utterly at peace within his presence. There was a new warmth inside of me
that grew with every glance he gave me, sang with every touch. I felt
weightless and as though I were always glowing.
Most people would attribute this to love.
It wasn’t love.

Well…it wasn’t just love. Because yes, I loved this man with everything
in me. He’d earned my trust through friendship before he captured my heart.
But there was more to my feelings than adoration and romance.
My gargoyle was expressing a primal satisfaction in the strength and
prowess of her mate. Which, great, I could handle that. I liked it, in fact.
What I couldn’t handle was the insane jealousy that came with it, or the crazy
protectiveness. If anyone so much as looked at Austin the wrong way, I had
to fight the incredible urge to throw that person across the room.
I didn’t always win that fight.
A rhythmic buzz pulsed from the alarm clock, startling me. I reached over
and turned it off.

I’d learned in the past that Austin would ignore the alarm’s loud blast for
ten minutes or more before finally rolling over to slap it. Given it was ten
minutes of agony for me, a mother who’d acquired the curse of light sleeping
after my son was born nineteen years ago, I’d decided that I’d be the guardian
of the alarm and make sure he got up. It really wasn’t so hard.

I turned on my side, facing him, and trailed my fingertips across his
cheek. I felt along his soft, plush lips and over his square chin. Moving on
down, I brushed my fingers across his throat.
He shivered, and his exposed eyelid fluttered open. A beautiful cobaltblue eye regarded me for a moment before it drifted shut again. His mouth
curled at the corner, a sleepy smile, before his arm constricted.

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