Keep This Promise by Corinne Michaels EPUB & PDF

Keep This Promise by Corinne Michaels EPUB & PDF

Keep This Promise by Corinne Michaels EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  •  Author: Corinne Michaels
  •  Language: English
  •  Formats: PDF / EPUB
  •  Status: Available For Free Download
  •  Series: None
  •  Price: Free
  •  File Size: 2 MB

“No, no, please, Theo, fight,” I beg my husband, clutching his hand.
“Please don’t give up.”
He squeezes it back, his blue-tinged lips attempting to lift. “You be brave,
Sophie. You have to be.”

I can’t be. I don’t know how to survive in a world without him. Theodore
Pearson has been my best friend since we were nine years old and my
husband for the last three and a half years. He stepped in and saved me then,
and I can’t do it for him now. His heart is failing, and there’s no chance of a
transplant anymore.

“How do I live without you?”
“You—” He gasps, closing his eyes before forcing them back open to
stare at me. “You are stronger than you believe. Find someone to love you
the way I never could, Sophie. You have to take Eden and go.”
I shake my head. He keeps repeating this, but I will not leave him. Not
now. Not at the end when he’s literally dying. “You can’t make me leave
you, Theo.”

I have been by his side, praying for a miracle that I knew would never
come. Theo was born with a congenital heart disease. When he was seven, he
had his first open-heart surgery. When he was eleven, he had his second. The
last one was a year ago, and that was when he went on the transplant list, but
we’ve been waiting and hoping, but there is no match.
Time has run out, and he wants me to leave him to die alone.
I can’t.

“If you . . . love me . . . you have to . . .” Theo coughs several times and
then inhales deeply. “Go.”
None of this makes sense, but three days ago, he started demanding I
pack without any explanation. He said it was life and death. So, I did as he
asked because it settled him once I agreed. But this is crazy. I am not going to
leave him on his death bed.

I push back, confused as to why he keeps saying these strange things.
“Why? How can you want me to leave you now?”
A tear falls down his cheek. “Because he’ll come for you.”

“Who? Who is coming? None of this makes any sense.”
Theo reaches for my hand, entwining our fingers. “You are my best
friend, Sophie. When you got pregnant, I married you, took care of you, and
did everything I could to protect you. Now I’m asking you to do this for me.
Take Eden and follow the directions.”

My jaw trembles as I try to push back the tears. “Yes, you did that, but it
was your idea! I didn’t ask you to do those things. You are my best friend,
Theo. You did all that, and now you want me to let you die alone?”
“Yes. I need to die alone.”
“You can’t be serious? I can’t leave you now. I refuse to . . . you can’t ask
this of me.”
“I won’t be alone.”
“You will.”

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