Just Friends in Vegas by Lucy Keeling EPUB & PDF

Just Friends in Vegas by Lucy Keeling EPUB & PDF

Just Friends in Vegas by Lucy Keeling EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Author: Lucy Keeling
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Contemporary Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Three Months Earlier
Smithy studied the seating plan, but not for his name. He was looking for
hers. Wondering and hoping that they may actually be sat close together. If
the handful of frosty-eyed stares he’d had from her so far was any
indication, then the seating may not actually make much difference.
It took less than a second to find her, because obviously Sophie and
Marcus have a sense of humour. They were sat on the same table, along
with Paige, Euan, Calvin and three other people who if he had to guess
were Marcus’ family members.

Smithy walked into the large room, with over a hundred of Sophie and
Marcus’ nearest and dearest, located his seat and strolled towards it,
unbuttoning his suit jacket as he did, waving up to Polly and Bailey already
sat at the head table as maid of honour and best man respectively.
‘All right pal?’ Euan grinned up at him, already nursing a whiskey.
Smithy slapped the back of his friend as he sat down. ‘Having fun?’
‘You know it. We’ve already lost Calvin,’ Euan pointed out.
Euan nodded over to the other side of the room where Calvin was already
chatting up a guest.

‘He’s not wasting time.’ Smithy grinned, but not at all surprised. He’d
known Calvin for years ever since his own uni days with Marcus. Calvin
would rock up at weekends, to get the, erm “full uni experience” as he
called it. More often than not Euan had come with him too. And as you
never got Marcus for long without Bailey that completed the set.
Focusing back to the task at hand Smithy began studying the place cards.
Quickly moving two cards around he sat back down, just in time.
‘Oh and here comes yours.’ Euan elbowed him.
‘Yeah right.’
‘You wish.’ Euan was grinning.

Smithy said nothing. He turned to watch as she made her way with Paige
towards their table, knowing that Euan was completely correct. The one
night they’d shared at Sophie and Marcus’ Stag and Hen do – or the Sten as
it had been called – was still very fresh in his mind. It hadn’t been enough.
For him at least.
‘Mya, Paige, you both look gorgeous,’ Euan said with a wink.

Paige rolled her eyes, and Mya tossed her silky brown hair and smiled at
Euan before studying the place settings.

‘Really?’ Mya looked up at Smithy, eyebrow raised, smile forgotten. Or
more accurately, purposefully dropped.

Smithy grinned as he pulled out her chair. ‘What can I tell you? You’re
just lucky I guess.’ She pursed her lips momentarily before sitting down.
Smithy leaned over, his arm on the back of her chair, and lowered his
voice, so only Mya could hear. ‘Having said that I don’t believe in luck.’
Mya resumed the frosty-eyed stare and Smithy relaxed back into his seat.
The volume in the room got louder as both seats and glasses were filled
and everyone waited for the happy couple to make their grand entrance into
the room.

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