If You Go Into The Woods by Alisha Williams EPUB & PDF

If You Go Into The Woods by Alisha Williams EPUB & PDF

If You Go Into The Woods by Alisha Williams EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Alisha Williams
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB

I’m always running late, so it’s no surprise that I’m gonna be late for my
best friend, Molly’s twenty-first birthday party.
I should have been more mindful of the time, but of course, I got caught
up in the book I was reading, wanting to get as much reading in as I could
with my lack of free time.

Work takes up most of my life, so any free time I have is spent with my
best friend or reading. I’m not much of a social person, and I’m not bothered
by that. All I need is Molly and a good book to keep me happy.
But I enjoy my job, so I don’t mind it taking up so much of my time. I’m
part owner of a little bakery in the next town over.

When I was fifteen, I wanted a job, and they were hiring. I worked the
cash register at first, but over time I helped with the baking when they got
overrun with orders. Then, by the time I was eighteen and graduated from
high school, I took on a full time baking job. When the owner of the shop’s
partner backed out of their business, I offered to step in. I had been saving
most of my paychecks, so I had my share of the buy-in already.

Since the day I became part owner, I have spent six days a week from
five am to nine pm at the bakery. But I love it. Sadly, that leaves little to no
time to date. It sucks because even though I’m only twenty-one, I want to
find someone to love and start a family with.
I love kids and have always known I wanted to be a mom. But that would
involve finding a man.

Looking at my watch, I curse when I see that it’s seven pm. The party
starts at eight. My car is in the shop, and there are no taxis in this small town.
Luckily, if I head out now, I should be able to walk there in time.
Grabbing the gift and my keys off the table, I leave my cozy little cottage
and lock up.

Slipping my headphones in, I press play on my phone and listen to the
audiobook I currently have playing to fill the silence of the night.
IT FEELS LIKE I’VE been walking for a while, so I check my watch and
curse. It’s already seven thirty. There’s no way I’m going to make it there in

I come to a stop at the entrance to the trail in the woods that leads just
down the street from Molly’s. If I take it, it would get me there with about
five minutes to spare.

Taking out my headphones, I look up at the sky and remember tonight is
a full moon, and I let out another curse.
We’re not supposed to go into the woods on a full moon. It’s when the
wolf shifters run free with their pack.

No one has ever really told me why we should avoid the woods at this
time. Plus, I’ve met some of the wolf shifters. They all seem like very nice
people, and the packs around here aren’t known to be violent or anything. So,
it can’t be that bad.

Looking at my phone, then back to the trail, I decide to say ‘fuck it’ and
take the short-cut. It might be a risk, but no wolf has harmed a human around
here, so I should be fine… right?

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