Freeing Luka (Clecanian #2) by Victoria Aveline EPUB & PDF

Freeing Luka (Clecanian #2) by Victoria Aveline EPUB & PDF

Freeing Luka (Clecanian #2) by Victoria Aveline EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author Name: Victoria Aveline
  • Book Genre: Adult, Aliens, Fantasy, Fiction, Paranormal, Paranormal Romance, Romance, Science Fiction, Science Fiction Romance
  • ISBN # 9781734678819
  • Edition Language: English
  • Date of Publication: September 21st 2020
  • PDF / EPUB File Name: Freeing_Luka_-_Victoria_Aveline.pdf, Freeing_Luka_-_Victoria_Aveline.epub
  • PDF File Size: 1.1 MB
  • EPUB File Size: 804 KB

Am I being carried? Alice thought dreamily. Her eyes were
still closed, but the fog of sleep was lifting. As it did, panic
started to settle in its place. She mentally scanned her
body, not yet able to move but gaining more awareness
with each minute. Someone very large was indeed carrying
her. Her head pounded as she tried to recall…anything.
Where she was, how she’d gotten there, and whose fingers
were digging into her thighs and ribs.

The last thing she could remember was taking the
garbage out at work. She’d been exhausted after a double
shift at Molly’s, an old dive bar in her small college town.

Think! Think!
An image of something large and green rushing her in the
alley behind the bar flashed in her mind, and she struggled
to hang on to it. Her blood ran cold when she recalled the
creature in more detail. It’d been a monster. Green, with
scales instead of skin. More upright lizard than man. Alice
remembered screaming, throwing the bag of garbage at the
creature and running, then…it was all black.

It must’ve caught me.
Panic and fear took hold. She tried to open her eyes, but
her lids only twitched in response. Her heart rate picked up
speed and her breaths became quick and shallow. Luckily,
whoever was holding her didn’t seem to notice, or if they
did, they didn’t say anything.

Pleading with her thundering heart to quiet, she strained
to listen for clues indicating where she was and whom she
was with. The sound of two sets of heavy footsteps echoed
around her, and her cheek rested on a hard chest. She
needed to get away.

Can I even move?
The instinct to wiggle her fingers and toes to make sure
she wasn’t paralyzed ate at her. She forced herself to
remain still, knowing she couldn’t risk it. Instead, Alice
gently clenched and relaxed every part of her body she
could, hoping to appear more or less still. Blood flowed
through her numb limbs, making them tingle. The more she
worked the muscles, the easier it became.

She inhaled, taking in the cold, stagnant air. It reminded
her of being on an airplane. She’d only flown a handful of
times, but the stale scent of crisp, filtered air always stood
out to her. Was there no fresh air in this place either?

When she finally lifted her lids a fraction, she squinted at
whoever or whatever was carrying her. Through thick
lashes, she could make out the blurry image of…a man?
What the hell is going on? Where am I?
Just then, he began to speak, his deep voice vibrating
through his chest. “Where are we taking her?”
“I’m not sure,” she heard another gravelly voice answer.
“The boss is in room six. I’ll ask.”

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