First Sight by Amber Cassidy EPUB & PDF

First Sight by Amber Cassidy EPUB & PDF

First Sight by Amber Cassidy EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Amber Cassidy
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Military Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Commercial… Commercial… Static… Jingle Bells… Ick. I am in no
mood for Christmas music, especially since Halloween was just last
week. Ugh. At least this overcast weather fits my sour mood. Maybe if
these mountains weren’t cutting off all of my phone service, I could listen
to something other than the car radio.

I hit the power button with a little too much aggression, silencing the
holiday cheer that was pouring out of the speakers. There is nothing to
occupy my mind, no music, no cars, just me alone on this empty, winding
highway. At least the view is nice. I’ve always enjoyed driving through this
part of the state, being surrounded by thick forest only to catch a quick peek
at the mountain tops when you round a bend, or the thick fog lingering in
the valleys.

It’s not enough to keep my thoughts totally at bay though. I keep
circling back to the mess that my life has become. This road trip is an
advanced version of the walk of shame. With my tail tucked between my
legs, my car is loaded with all my stuff and I’m heading back home to my
parents. I only left a few months ago, hardly enough time to pretend it
wasn’t all a big mistake on my part. Broke the lease to my apartment and
everything, just to move to a new state with a boyfriend I hardly even liked.

Mark was nice, at least at the beginning. We were friends, and we had
some things in common, but we were both ready to move away from our
hometowns. He got a job offer, so I followed. Offered to split his rent and
everything. I thought it would be safe. Moving in with someone you know
so you don’t have to jump feet first all alone seems like a smart idea. How
naïve of me.

It started with a few fights about little stuff, splitting household chores,
and bills. Basics every couple who moves in together goes through. Then he
started accusing me of cheating on him while he was at work, never mind
the fact that I was working full-time.

As an online data analyst for a travel agency, I handle my entire job
remotely. So even though I’m home, I’m working. He continuously accused
me of having people over during the day, no matter how many times I
denied it. I was in a completely new state. He was the only person I knew or
even spoke to. I hadn’t even attempted to make any friends yet.

It was worse when he drank. After a month of us living together in our
apartment, he came home drunk from a night out with his new coworkers.
He got mad when I refused to have sex with him, so he tore the apartment
apart. I’m surprised our neighbors didn’t call the cops, but it was a busy

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