Doctor Smug by Whitley Cox EPUB & PDF

Doctor Smug by Whitley Cox EPUB & PDF

Doctor Smug by Whitley Cox EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Whitley Cox
  • Genre: Romantic Comedy, Contemporary Romance
  • Publish Date: 16 January 2021
  • Size: 1 MB
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Avail for Download
  • Price: Free

Tonight was NOT the night to be bringing in subs. The LA Kings didn’t
bring up players from the farm team during the playoffs, and we sure as
hell didn’t need to be bringing in noobs on a night like tonight.

I pulled the worn brass door handle of The Old Emerald Pub in
downtown Seattle and stood aside so Greg could walk through ahead of me
“So if you don’t know what she looks like or what she does for work, can you
at least tell me if she’s any good at trivia? You do know this is like the World
Series for me. Game seven, Kings vs Rangers. The eighteenth hole, two
below par.”

Greg snorted, lifted his chin in greeting to the hostess and headed toward
an open four-top table in the dimly lit underground pub. “I don’t think Emily
would have invited her if she wasn’t good at trivia. She knows how important
this match is to us.”

I took a seat, facing the stage. I needed to get into the zone.
Pub trivia night was no joke. I took this shit seriously.
Greg and I were undefeated all year with our teammates, two other
doctors, Filip Renny and Will Colson, but they’d just accepted positions in
Africa working for Doctors Without Borders, so now we were down two

I had a hard time giving them shit for abandoning us since they were off
fixing cleft pallets and vaccinating children in remote villages so they
wouldn’t catch polio or some other horrible ailment.
Didn’t mean I couldn’t—and didn’t—grumble their names in the privacy
of my own mind. We’d been coming here since January, whenever we had
Friday nights off (which we made sure was often) and in the last five and a
half months had made a name for ourselves among the trivia crowd.

Normally, it wouldn’t have been a disaster to be down two teammates—
Greg and I could hold our own—but we were going up against some guys
from a pub across town who’d heard about our success and wanted to make
things a little more interesting. A friendly bet of five hundred dollars and
paying the winners’ booze tab hung in the balance. If Filip and Will had been
here, it would have been like shooting fish in a barrel winning the trivia
match, but down two men, I wasn’t nearly as confident. And not being
confident in something unnerved me almost as much as the thought of losing
to a bunch of lawyers from across town did.

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to rack up my tab tonight—because if we won,
the other team would have to pay for it—or if I wanted to play it cool and
hope that if, on the off chance, we did lose, karma would have my back and
not rob me blind.

“Blonde, brunette, redhead?” I shelled a peanut from the bowl on the
table. “I know Emily, and this is more than just someone to come help us win
trivia. This is a setup. She works with a shit-ton of guys. She could have
invited any one of them, and yet she invited a chick.”
Greg was the picture of innocence and simply smiled.
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