Degree of Guilt by Richard North Patterson EPUB & PDF

Degree of Guilt by Richard North Patterson EPUB & PDF

Degree of Guilt by Richard North Patterson EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Authors: Richard North Patterson
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Asian American Literature
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Degree of Guilt [067-011-4.9]
by richard north patterson
Chris Paget is a hotshot lawyer living in San Fransisco. He first made good
fifteen years ago when, with the help of a beautiful woman, he exposed
government scandal, ruined several careers and sent his arch enemy Jack
Woods to prison.

Now, that same woman is charged with the murder of America’s most famous
novelist. Was it self-defense? Attempted rape? or is there a more sinister
explanation. One thing for sure, the woman isn’t telling the truth and Chris is
running out of time; time to find the truth, time to save the woman and time
to deal with the terrible truth about his son Carlow.
Richard North Paterson’s break-through legal block-buster.
copyright unknown
publisher unknown
isbn unknown
JANUARY thirteen.

THE WOMAN FROZE in the hallway, staring at the numbered doorplate.
For a moment, she felt uncertain that this was the same suite she had left
perhaps a minute before. Then she turned the knob slowly, wincing at its
metallic click.
The door cracked ajar, a pallid sliver of light coming from inside.
She paused, looking over her shoulder, less from fear of being seen than the
desire to stay suspended in time, outside the room.

She glanced at her gold wristwatch. When had it happened? she wondered.
No way of telling now. Thirty minutes, she decided arbitrarily. Thirty
minutes, and she had not decided what to do. Her mind was sluggish, numb
with disbelief. She felt drugged.

Her fingertips were damp, she realized. With every thought, her choices
seemed to narrow. She fought the impulse to stop thinking, to run. It took all
her will to do nothing.
The chime of an elevator rang.
She flinched.

Quickly, she tried to remember arriving in the elevator, how far it was down
the hallway. Afraid to turn, unable to recall the corridor right behind her.
She straightened, squaring her shoulders, and pushed open the door.
The rectangle of light from within captured her like a photograph, a slender
woman with long black hair, standing motionless in the door frame. The
elevator opened. A second chime penetrated her shock.
She stepped inside and shut the door behind her.

Closing, it sounded heavy. Final, she corrected herself. It sounded final.
She turned to face the room.
Her eyes sought out details. Drawn blinds. Her black leather purse on the
floor. The gold neck of an empty champagne bottle, above the rim of a silver
ice bucket on a glass coffee table. The two crystal glasses.

The heavy oil painting of San Francisco Bay she had remarked on,
slightingly, when she first entered. Her panty hose on the carpet, ripped in
one leg.

She touched her throat, feeling for scratches. She had broken a nail; it was
that, oddly, which made her remember her own fragility.
Finally, she looked at him.
There was blood on the carpet now, beneath his chest. His pants were pulled
below his knees.

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