Craved by the Alien Berserker by Presley Hall EPUB & PDF

Craved by the Alien Berserker by Presley Hall EPUB & PDF

Craved by the Alien Berserker by Presley Hall EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  • Author: Presley Hall
  • Language: English
  • Formats: PDF / EPUB
  • Status: Available For Free Download
  • Series: None
  • Price: Free
  • File Size: 1 MB


THE SUN IS SHINING, warm and pleasant on my face. But then again, the sun
has shone every day here so far on this new planet that we’re slowly turning
into a home, which the Zivonians suggested we call Tatari. In their language,
it means beginnings, which felt appropriate. It’s certainly a new beginning for
the Zivonians, who lost their home planet to a genocidal attack by a species
called the Kruul a little over five years ago. But it also feels like a new
beginning for us too.

When we were rescued by the Zivonians from the alien pirates who
abducted us, Commander Ryven told us he would find a way to help us return
to Earth if that’s what we wanted. But all of us, for varying reasons, chose to
stay with the Zivonians.

For me, like many of the women here, it was a mixture of wanting to
leave behind the sadder memories of my life back on Earth, and feeling as
though I had nothing really to go back to if I did. The last person who truly
loved me there is gone, and it’s clear that Earth isn’t necessarily the safe
haven I once believed it to be, anyway. So why not try to start over?

I set the basket I’m weaving down in my lap for a moment, tilting my
face up to the sun to feel its warm rays on my skin. Apparently such
consistent sunlight for the past weeks means there’s going to be one hell of a
rainy season when it finally does come around, according to the Zivonian

I’ve heard them around the fire on several nights, contemplating
hunting versus growing seasons and how best to anticipate the weather to
ensure that there’s plenty of food for all. The human women are always
included in those discussions—how best to make sure that we’re properly
cared and provided for, and not just the ones who have already mated with
warriors, but the single unmated women too. Like me.

It feels good to be part of a group that values everyone, that is accepting
and inclusive even of strangers, especially considering that the Zivonians
have every right to be suspicious. They’ve been horribly betrayed in the past
by the Kruul, but they’ve chosen to trust us anyway, even accepting us as
their romantic partners. And sooner rather than later, there will be little halfhuman, half-Zivonian babies on the way too.

That thought makes me think of my own father, a pang settling in my
chest as I trace the pattern in my basket. He died about six months before I
was abducted, after a long and painful bout with lung cancer, and those six
months even now aren’t much more than a blur of scrambling to pay for
funeral costs and keep from getting evicted from the apartment I’d shared
with him. That mad scramble had eventually led to the shady job I went to
interview for—which had turned into my abduction.

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