Broken Billionaire Boss by Summer Ambrose EPUB & PDF

Broken Billionaire Boss by Summer Ambrose EPUB & PDF

Broken Billionaire Boss by Summer Ambrose EPUB & PDF – eBook Details

  •  Author: Summer Ambrose
  •  Language: English
  •  Formats: PDF / EPUB
  •  Status: Available For Free Download
  •  Series: None
  •  Price: Free
  •  File Size: 1 MB

Standing in the now quiet emergency room heightened my senses.
There was no rush of doctors or nurses, no machine blaring, nothing that
hinted at life being present. I kept thinking, is she really gone? I waited for
her to pull out the tube taped to the side of her mouth, sit up so she could get
off the bloody sheets, and remove the IV port still taped to her left arm.

could see blood splattered all over, and my mind kept drifting back and forth
between the smell of iron and the bloody mess on the floor. I imagined this
was what a war zone hospital room looked like. As I stared at her limp,
lifeless body, I realized for the first time that her lips were turning blue and
her skin had an ashy paleness that I had only seen in the movies. The reality
of death started to set in.
“I’m sorry to say, sir, but your wife succumbed to her injuries caused by
the car crash…. We did all we could, but she is gone.”

Those words echoed in the background as I stood glued to the ground, my
legs feeling limper with each passing minute.
The police called me on my cell phone before dawn, waking me from
what must’ve been a nasty nap, and said my wife had been in a car crash. The
accident occurred just ten minutes from our country ranch home in Highland
Park Texas.

I’d hurried to the hospital in a frenzy. My mind was still foggy, yet all
that mattered to me was making sure she was okay. Still, this clenching
feeling in my chest would not go away, making my ride to the hospital gutwrenching.
When I arrived, the doctors had already pronounced her dead. I couldn’t
believe what I had heard, so I asked if I could see her to ensure they had not
missed anything. I remembered a story I heard a while back of a man that had
been pronounced dead and woke up a few hours later. I knew it was a long
shot, but it was all I had to keep myself from falling apart.

As much as I was trying, I couldn’t pay attention, my mind in a daze. The
walk to the emergency room seemed longer with each step I took. I kept
replaying our last moments together. We didn’t have a perfect marriage, but I
loved her and our family. The call from the police was shocking. I wasn’t
sure how to put things back together without her being alive. The room door
swung open with just a slight push from the nurse, and that’s when I saw her.
My first instinct was to rip the sheets back, but the blood, so much blood,
stopped me in my tracks. I think that was when I knew she had indeed left me
alone. Till death do us part.

The doctor was talking, but I could only stare at my wife’s body on the
gurney while one nurse put a sheet over her torso and another put the
defibrillators back. I could tell they were uncomfortable with me being in the
room. They hastened to cover her distorted body and the blood that seemed to
overpower my senses. I stood frozen in time. I couldn’t comprehend what
had just happened, and as I stared at the doctor with glossy, tired eyes, I
remained expressionless. Motionless.

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