A Sin Like Fire by Everly Frost EPUB & PDF

A Sin Like Fire by Everly Frost EPUB & PDF

A Sin Like Fire by Everly Frost EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Everly Frost
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Arthurian Fantasy
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

My heartbeats are heavy with grief. A furious sorrow threatens to
destroy me.
Crimson rain has soaked the white ash at my feet, turning the
ground to blood. Droplets cling to my silver hair, mingling with the tears
streaking down my cheeks.
The Vandawolf lies dying at my feet.
The unruly strands of his dark-gray hair fall across his face, mingling
with his sweat. His eyes are closed, concealing the permanently-amber iris
of his left eye that reflects his wolfish soul, while the tip of his single, sharp
canine tooth is visible between his lips.

Blood bubbles up around the tooth, slipping down his chin.
His strong legs are folded beneath him, his broad chest tipped to his left
so that he’s facing me. The crossbow bolt that tore through his right
shoulder protrudes from his torso while its tip is angled back into the ash
beneath him, propping him up.
His inky-black armor is mangled, bone-deep gashes visible between the
broken plates.

Seconds ago, his breathing was ragged.
Now he’s so quiet, I fear he will soon stop breathing altogether.
I stand between him and the humans who betrayed him.
High up on the ramparts of the wall that protects the human city from
the wasteland surrounding it, metalworkers and carpenters gleam down at
me. Their leaders have proclaimed their victory.

Nero, the leader of the metalworkers’ guild, and Vincent, the leader of
the carpenters’ guild, raise their hands to their men in triumph.
Braddock, my former guard, laughs down at me. “Throw down your
tools, Asha!” he cries, his ruddy face flushed with victory. “We’ll treat you
with mercy. I promise!”

His laughter sickens me, but some of my rage is turned inward.
I created the deadly weapons they used against the Vandawolf.
With my own hands, I fashioned the giant crossbow from which they
fired the bolt that impales his chest; I forged the harpoon, the net, and the
weighted chains, each powerful enough to fire in a flash and take down a
monster within seconds. All of which are now aimed at me.
I have a choice to make and only moments to make it: Destroy the
humans or save the Vandawolf.

I’ve vowed to do both, but one must come first.
No matter which path I choose, it will cost me dearly.
I grit my teeth and set my intentions.
Whatever the consequences, no matter the pain my choice brings me, I
will not allow the Vandawolf to die.

Raising my hands and spreading my fingers, not once taking my eyes
off the men on the ramparts, I take a slow step back, quietly positioning
myself in line with the Vandawolf’s head.
I lower myself to my knees, as if I intend to surrender, my hands
remaining upraised.

“Your tools!” Nero shouts, the men controlling the weapons relaxing a
little. “Remove them.”
My hammer rests in the belt at my waist. I have two black medallions,
one currently curved around my right bicep with the other wrapped neatly
around my left palm.

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