A Friendly Wager by Ajme Williams EPUB & PDF

A Friendly Wager by Ajme Williams EPUB & PDF

A Friendly Wager by Ajme Williams EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Ajme Williams
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Sports Romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

Bo — 10 years later — August
did not want to be there.
I At this time of my life, just like over the last ten years, there were
only two places I wanted to be. One was wasted and giving in to my baser
instincts, and the second was on the ice, playing hockey like my life
depended on it. The problem for me was that the former might have just
ended my ability to do the latter.

A few days ago, I was strutting my stuff, butt naked on the roof of a
cheap motel on the outskirts of Las Vegas while a group of people I didn’t
know chanted at me to jump into the pool below. Of course, I was drunk, but
I’m not sure that would’ve mattered. I probably would’ve jumped anyway.
So I took a flying leap, not realizing I was near the shallow end of the
pool, and when I came out, my shoulder was no longer where it should be.
Even drunk, it hurt like a motherfucker.

I did what I always did when I got into trouble. I called my coach, Pierce
Jackson, who did like he always did when I got in trouble. He came and
picked me up. He took me to the hospital, then waited the several hours it
took for my shoulder to be pushed back into place, and was told that it would
be six weeks before I could resume normal activities. It was probably the
alcohol that had me thinking that was good news because in eight weeks, the
hockey season started.

Pierce was quick to cool my buzz. First, he reminded me that training
camp started in four weeks, which meant I wouldn’t be able to train for the
first few weeks. Then he delivered the killer blow. He told me that he was
resigning as the coach of the team.

Not long before now, he and his buddy, Reed Hampton, bought the local
minor-league hockey team. It made no sense to me why he’d want to go from
coaching an NHL team to coaching a minor league team.

It was like being a movie star and deciding you want to go back into
community theater and some podunk town. Okay, well maybe not quite that
drastic since many players in the NHL came up from the minor-league teams.
Still, in my mind, it was a demotion. Why would he want to do that?
The answer was because he was co-owner of the minor league team, and
his buddy and his buddy’s wife just had a baby, needing time away from their
owner duties. The result was that he was abandoning me. He was the one
person in my life who kept me semi-tethered to the world, and he was

A dislocated shoulder had kept me from getting out of hand over the last
couple of days, although it didn’t slow down my drinking.

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