You Were Watching from the Sand by Juliana Lamy EPUB & PDF

You Were Watching from the Sand by Juliana Lamy EPUB & PDF

You Were Watching from the Sand by Juliana Lamy EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Juliana Lamy
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Popular
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

You Were Watching from the Sand
“Of course I remember you. You were born on one of those days where the
sky won’t break apart for the rain, where the sky won’t break apart for the
sun. You were born on one of those days where everybody’s bone-tired,
where sleep drags through them and replaces the blood, and all the branches
of Exhaustion the River empty out inside their stomachs. When everybody
has a lake with them, right under the heaven of their ribs. Those days where
you could drown if you stayed too long inside yourself.

You were born on one of those days where people forget how to drive,
where people know, for themselves, when to change lanes, but forget that
no one else knows what’s about to happen. Where all the things happening
inside their heads feel like they fell in when the world cracked open and its
heart and its lungs spilled out. Where the only planet that ever existed or
will exist is the one they’re looking out at right now, the one with gray
asphalt strapped to the surface, the one with those huge green signs coming
up out of the ground telling them that they’re five exits away from the
closest Wendy’s. The one with all those speed limit markers that they ignore
because you can go as fast as you want in the world you want to see.

Listen, you were born on one of those days where the air was for
breathing, for sitting outside your house with your eyes closed or open or
watching, for walking to the store instead of taking the car, for letting your
kids run around in the grass green like health, like life, like living. Run
around because they couldn’t find Exhaustion the River inside them yet.
You were born on one of those days school was out. Not the weekend,
but something just like it, where no one had to do anything, and freedom
tore itself open so that anybody in that town could walk through it.

It was a
holiday. I remember which one, but that’s not what you came here to hear,
is it? No, you need to know that you were born on a quiet day. Not quiet
like silent, but quiet like calm, quiet like beauty, quiet like serenity, quiet
like love, quiet like those things that come into you and live there, steady.
Stay with you until you get it, until you know that they’re never leaving.
Until you get it, know that you can always find them when you really need
them. When those kids bully you for being too skinny, when you’re so
angry it starts running down your cheeks, makes everybody think you’re
crying when you know you’re not.

When your dad leaves, when Frankie
breaks your PlayStation. When you lose those five bucks, when Liza wins
the Golden Star in fifth grade, the one you knew belonged to you.

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