Xalan Mated by AJ Mullican EPUB & PDF

Xalan Mated (XALANITE MATES #3) by AJ Mullican EPUB & PDF

Xalan Mated (XALANITE MATES #3) by AJ Mullican EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: AJ Mullican
  • Language: English
  • Genre: Paranormal / Sci-Fi
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 8.2 MB
  • Price: Free

I didn’t think the day would end up like it did. There I was, milking Snoop
Coww in the barn, when a loud crash outside shook the whole structure. I
ran out to see what had happened, and that’s when life changed forever on
our small farm.

The ship was like nothing I’d ever seen, all sleek metal and glass
lines, with odd purple lights and a low humming that vibrated through the
ground it had embedded itself in.

That ground being, of course, our main dairy pasture.
Lil Moo, Fanny X, and Das Milk—our oldest heifers who, like Snoop
Coww, were named when I was quite a bit younger and a lot less creative—
all huddled in the back of the enclosure, their eyes wide. They lowed and
mooed at the bus-sized machine while the younger girls inched closer,
sniffing the air around the ship.

Dad ran out of the slaughterhouse a few hundred yards away, bloody
apron billowing. He shouted at me to stay back, but I couldn’t help myself.

I’d seen the news over the past year about Earth’s new visitors: the
Xalanites. They first appeared to the public on the White House lawn, and
since then most of their sightings had been in upstate New York, though
there was one noteworthy crash landing in Chicago during the summer. I
never had thought I’d see one of their ships in person, especially not on our
remote Wisconsin dairy farm.

By most accounts, the Xalanite visitors to Earth were supposed to be
friendly. My aunt, Ann Hall, even worked with them on a daily basis. As the
Director in charge of the AARO—the USA’s alien investigation division—
she knew every Xalanite on Earth. Sure, there had been a few bad eggs in
the news, but overall, the media portrayed shy, reserved women and jovial,
outgoing men among the alien species.

Jovial and stacked.
I’d be lying to myself if I said I hadn’t fantasized about meeting one.
Word was they had some … bonus “equipment” that human men didn’t

Dad always teased me about that when he caught me watching news
reports featuring the alien hotties. He joked that, as a virgin, I wouldn’t
know what to do with that special equipment, but growing up on a farm
where we bred and raised our own livestock, I knew enough about the birds
and the bees to have developed a healthy curiosity about the human
mechanics of sex.

The internet helped, showing me the human side of it in
all its varied forms. After as much research as I’d done into my own
species, I figured I could learn Xalanite mating practices easily enough,
provided I was lucky enough to meet one

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