Wrath by Toni Kelly EPUB & PDF


Wrath (SOULLESS KNIGHTS MC: LONDON #1) by Toni Kelly EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors:Toni Kelly EPUB
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 7.5 MB
  • Price: Free


My back aches my arse is numb, and my fingers are throbbing from the grip
I have on the bars of my Harley. But despite all that, it feels good. I love the
feeling of the open road in front of me, the wind in my face and the
vibrations of my baby beneath my legs.

My VP Brick riding ahead of me, my Prez Knuckles on his left. I’m
following behind with the rest of my brothers behind me. It feels good
riding with them. I want to savour this moment, this last ride. These men
have been my family since I was fifteen. I’d seen them riding through the
streets of Manchester, the noise of their bikes drawing my attention. My
heart rate spiked the closer they got, the excitement bubbling inside of me.
I’d tried to play it cool, but when they rounded that corner, and each bike
came into view I struggled to stop the smile from spreading across my
face. I’d watched them ride in a tight formation down the road and then take
a right.

I couldn’t help myself. I raced down the road, following them
wondering where they were going. I just made it to the corner as the last
rider took the left at the very end of the street, I bolted down the road after
them. But I was too late. By the time I turned a corner they were nowhere to
be seen. I could still hear the faint rumble of their bikes, but they were
tucked neatly behind a metal gate halfway down the road.

Six weeks I’d sat at the top of that road watching them come and go.
The bikers always gave me a chin lift in acknowledgement each time they
passed, but none ever spoke to me. Not until I met Nitro. I’d been sitting
outside their clubhouse for hours waiting for them to come back from a ride
when I heard the unmistakable rumble of their bikes. I’d looked to my left
to see them coming cruising around the corner, a van leading the way and
another bringing up the rear.

The riders gave me their usual chin lift before
entering the clubhouse grounds and the gates closed behind them. Not forty
minutes later a cocky, tall dark-haired boy about my age swaggered over to
me and handed me a can of cola and took a seat next to me. We sat in
silence drinking our pop for thirty minutes before I finally caved and
introduced myself.

He walked me into the clubhouse that night as his
friend. I never looked back. And in that one night, he became my best
friend, my brother. And the rest of men in that building became family.
After that first night, I spent every day and night at that clubhouse.

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