Wrangling Nash by Sofia Jade EPUB & PDF

Wrangling Nash (CAMERON COWBOYS #1) by Sofia Jade EPUB & PDF

Wrangling Nash (CAMERON COWBOYS #1) by Sofia Jade EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Sofia Jade
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 3.2 MB
  • Price: Free

“What the hell am I doing?” I mumbled to myself as I surveyed the rows of
work boots in front of me.
Irish Setter, Red Wing, Ariat, Justin Original – the names all blended
together, and they all looked identical.

I should have researched these online before leaving.
I’d always been a planner, accustomed to researching, reading reviews,
checking on Reddit – even for a simple purchase like work boots. However,
this trip to Lonestar Junction couldn’t have been planned, and I’d had only
two weeks to get my life in order before moving here, leaving little time for
trivial matters like buying work boots.

The realization that I didn’t have any
appropriate shoes hit me only after I had already pulled on to the interstate
and looked down at the golden wedge sandals that I was wearing.
Sighing, I picked up a pair that looked like they might fit and turned them
back and forth in my hands, examining them closely.

They have hard toes. That’s needed, right?
Shit, I’m so screwed.
Looking up, I noticed a man standing at the row diagonally from me,
checking out the work gloves. He was tall, handsome, with dirty blonde
hair, a muscular build, and the slightest scruff on his strong jawline – and he
was wearing work boots.

“Excuse me,” I called out as I walked in his direction.
His eyes shifted to mine as he did a slow scan of my body, observing what I
was wearing. I knew I was overdressed for the middle of who-knowswhere-the-fuck-I-am-Texas, but the way he looked at me wasn’t just in
observation of the high-heeled wedges and short jean shorts I was wearing.
I could tell he found me attractive, and I figured I could use this to my
advantage to get some help with picking out boots.
The closer I got, his features came into focus, and I noticed he had thick lips
and bright green eyes to match his sandy hair, and when he grinned –

Damn, dimples are a weakness of mine.
“Yes?” he asked as I made my way to stand in front of him.
“I have no idea what I should be looking for in work boots, and I noticed
you’re wearing them. What boot would you buy to protect your feet from
the elements, animals, machinery, and won’t cause blisters?”
He took a step back, observing the pair I held in my hands.

“This isn’t for your boyfriend, is it?”
I shook my head no and mustered my best seductive smile with a bat of my
eyelashes, though I was feeling less than sexy at the moment. “It’s for me.”
His eyebrows raised.

“Carhartt might be a fad right now with the hipster guys and gals, but it’s
really durable. Steel toe, waterproof. I’d go with those.”
“Thank you!” I said, smiling as I turned on my heel and hurried back to the
aisle with the boots. I looked for my size in the Carhartt boots, grabbed
them, and headed to the register while checking the time on my phone.
Damn it. Already 2 o’clock

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