Wounded Wing (WORLD INTELLIGENCE AGENCY #1) by H.B. Cliffy EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: H.B. Cliffy
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 8.6 MB
  • Price: Free


Colorful eyes meet mine from across the floor. Unique bursts of blue,
gold, and green with the smallest hints of light brown hidden threaten to
hypnotize me. In all of my 37 years, I’ve never seen anything quite like
them. Tilting my head to the side, I study them keenly, observing that her
neon purple eyeshadow and smoky, dark liner make them pop to a shade
above teal.

Blinding blue and purple stage lights move in sync with the music,
highlighting darkened bruises and every silvery, white burn scar scattered
over her fair skin. The contrast of her soft brunette waves and midnight lace
lingerie makes my mouth water with anticipation. She looks like heaven
and sin wrapped into one perfect, little package. I want to mark her skin all
over again.

God, I’m a lucky bastard.
I scan the crowd, noting that everyone’s eyes are glued to her petite hands
as they slowly fist around the silver, spinning pole at the center of the stage.
I can’t help but watch as she sways her curvy hips seductively to the beat
before suddenly dropping her luscious cheeks to her heels. Her hands slide
down the rod suggestively, turning the action into an erotic demonstration. I
wouldn’t be surprised if every man lounging by her stage had an aching
cock as they tossed their money in her direction.

Mon papillon.
I have been addicted to her since she stormed into my club begging for a
job nearly twelve years ago. Her actions were admirable, though no less
stupid. It’s no secret that Le Papillon is an unsavory establishment despite
its outward appearance. She was young, a new mother, and more mentally
devastated than most who willingly walk through my doors seeking

I worked her over for six long months, carefully breaking her down,
making it impossible for her to do anything without me. She was incredibly
receptive of my conditioning, which prompted my decision to keep her. The
day I made her my bride, I branded her as one of my butterflies.

Her ignorance made her willing to please. Guilt made her easy to
manipulate. Devotion ensured that no price was too high to pay. Mae
Broussard became a perfect trophy wife to the outside world, but inside of
my gilded cage, she would stay nursing her permanently damaged wings,
no matter how badly she wanted to fly away.

She steps gracefully off the stage, swaying her full hips making the glitter
stuck to her well-displayed, sweat-licked skin sparkle. My cock twitches
against the zipper of my dark slacks as I witness her in her element. What
can I say? I have an affinity for sparkly, delicate creatures.

“Mon cher, you could entice a nun on that stage,” I drawl, my Southern
charm in full effect. Here on the floor, I showcase my kind hearted,
appealing nature. Encouraging the self-proclaimed royalty of New Orleans
to feast their eyes on my most prized possessions. It’s a rush knowing they
want what they can’t have, yet they still pay to get as close as possible.

Her lips turn upward, offering me a saccharine grin that complements her
sultry stage persona. Years of training to perfect her mask has truly paid off.

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