Worthy: Cassius and Faith 3 by Leigh James EPUB & PDF

Worthy: Cassius and Faith 3 by Leigh James EPUB & PDF

Worthy: Cassius and Faith 3 (CLUB 444 #3) by Leigh James EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Authors: Leigh James
  • Language: English
  • Genre: contemporary romance
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I didn’t look back at the mansion as I hustled down the drive. I didn’t
want to think—I was leaving my new friends and Cassius behind, not to
mention the money. Ugh, the money. I couldn’t believe I was running away
from so much money!

It wasn’t like me to be irresponsible. Since he’d been born, I’d taken
care of my brother Lucas. My mother wasn’t a fit parent. I’d made it my
mission to protect my brother and succeeded until he’d gotten sick. My
mother couldn’t handle the additional responsibilities brought on by his
illness, and she’d imploded. Alone at eighteen, I’d struggled to care for him
and keep him not only in treatment but off the streets.

I was being selfish by running from Club 444. But being with Cassius
last night had undone me. I’d never had feelings like that before, both
physically and emotionally. My encounter with the mercurial billionaire had
changed me. I was no longer a virgin, no longer innocent to the secrets of
pleasure he’d unlocked inside me. But more than that, I was no longer just a
caretaker. Cassius had awakened something—someone—inside of me. A
young woman filled with passion, longing, and a desire to explore more of

That woman wanted to explore those things with Cassius Blackwood.
But that was never to be. The billionaire would never be mine.
So I was leaving her behind, too. I didn’t have the bandwidth to worry
about my heart. My brother would die if I didn’t take care of him. My life
could wait; his couldn’t.

I shoved my circling thoughts to the side and hurried down the drive.
Cursing, I realized I’d also left my cell phone with the Madam. What the
hell was I going to do? I didn’t dare go back to retrieve it.
Remembering the security guard at the gate, I decided to ask him to call
an Uber for me. I’d figure the rest out somehow…

I kept my bag close, shivering in the early morning chill. It had rained
overnight, and a mist rose from the lush grounds. I couldn’t escape the
mansion fast enough, but the driveway seemed to stretch forever. The
Blackwood brothers wanted their private club hidden from the prying eyes
of the public, and they’d succeeded.

I was winded by the time I reached the wrought-iron gate. I glimpsed
the security guard inside, filling out a crossword puzzle on his phone.
“Excuse me,” I said, lifting my voice. “Can you let me out?”
Startled, he whipped his head at me. He was a ginger in his forties, with
a crewcut, tattoos on both sides of his burly neck, and a machine gun
strapped to his chest.

My palms started to sweat. “Please?” I added.
He shook his head. “What’s your name?” he asked gruffly. “I have to
clear it with Management.”
I licked my lips. “My name’s Mia.”
He arched an eyebrow. “Do you have a last name?”
“Um…” I was the worst liar ever.

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