Worldwide Crush by Kristin Nilsen EPUB & PDF

Worldwide Crush by Kristin Nilsen EPUB & PDF

Worldwide Crush by Kristin Nilsen EPUB & PDF – eBook Details Online

  • Status: Available for Free Download
  • Author: Kristin Nilsen
  • Language: English
  • Genre:Historical Fiction
  • Format: PDF / EPUB
  • Size: 2 MB
  • Price: Free

I love Ry Calhoun.
I’ve loved him forever.
Since before summer, even.
The first time I saw him was a concert in Paris. Or maybe it was
Venice? Or Rome or something? Whatever, I’m not sure, the
important thing is that I felt a prickly, melty warming in my stomach.
It was not something I had ever felt before. And I liked it.

I was at Shauna’s house, and she opened her laptop, and she said,
“Watch this.” It was a clip of him singing “Worldwide Crush” at a
concert in Paris or Venice or whatever. And it only took a few seconds
for me to understand why all those girls were huddled below him,
reaching out, wishing for just a quick swipe of his hand, just a taste of
his skin, which would be the most important thing to ever happen to
them. And then when he put his hand on his heart and smiled—his
teeth are so straight!—saying, “Ti amo! Ti amo!” it felt like he was
telling me that he loved me. Oh yeah, ti amo is Italian for “I love
you,” so it must have been Venice. Or Rome. Anyway . . . that was an
important day for me.

Now I stare at the poster on my closet door, the big one I bought
with my own money, where he’s squinting in the sun, his shiny
blondish hair tousled by what I imagine are ocean breezes. I don’t
know how long I’ve been staring at it—a long time, I think. And when
I close my eyes, I can actually see Rory and me together after his
concert, holding hands as we run to his tour bus. And he would look
at me and say, “How was it? Did I do okay?”
“Oh, Rory,” I’d say, running my hands through my luscious,
unusually smooth hair. “You were awesome. You can’t even be

Yes, I know, that’s a really dumb response, but this particular
fantasy is a work in progress. I’m working on it, I promise.
And then he would smile and throw his head back like “whew!”
and pull me to him and wrap his arms around me and nuzzle his face
into my neck and whisper, “Thanks for being with me . . .”
It could happen . . . right?

My mom screams for me, ruining a perfectly good daydream.
Millie is short for Millicent—barf. It’s like I’m a nurse from World
War II or something. Why couldn’t my parents pick a nice new name
from the twenty-first century?
“What?!” I say. “What?!” Why does everyone want me all the
The voice comes up the stairs like a bullet train. “Are you all
packed for tomorrow?”

“Yes!” I yell back.
“Then what’s that?” Jeez Louise! My mom magically appears in
my doorway and points to a shopping bag full of school supplies
under my desk.

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